Econometrics: one step ahead forecast - page 34


Are you judging this by five events? You seem to have well-developed psychic abilities, which is not surprising, since you are an econometrician, and they are all like that. Well, it's cool, you apply a filter (which by the way doesn't fucking fit) to the quotes and now we are econometricians. "Oh, give me two" (C).

PS: You'll see, it will end up 50/50 for both indices. I will not distract you - have fun with it.

I did not understand the sense at once. And it turns out another inventor of the bicycle.

Basics: you cannot invent something new without studying the old.

In your thread there is no evidence that the econometric models are not workable, and you assert in hollow terms - but Bayes is.

You made predictions without answering the main question: can your predictions be trusted and on what basis?

You are at the very beginning of the path, and since you deny all econometrics at once, without proof, you cannot assess how long the path is.


to faa1947

...а завлекаю людей, хоть что-то понимающих для обсуждения самой модели...

How do you entice them when you kick them all out into the garden. :о) Are you a teacher by any chance? Your communication style is typical,

which is not a filter.

You should be the one to see what you're inventing.

Didn't get the point right away.

Don't feel bad.

It turns out you are just another inventor of the bicycle.

No, you are at the beginning of the same path as your colleagues (whom you are kicking out) about six years ago, and you don't even realize it. You are a pioneer, in a sense :o)

There is no evidence in your thread that econometrics models are not workable...

I can't stand econometrics. it's a truther science, a science with nothing of its own. And I don't want to discuss that crap.

to TheXpert.

Show the class in your branch.

Glad to see it. Though I'm very busy at the moment, but I'm preparing the material. I think I will publish it in a couple of months. No grail of course, but there is something to look at. ...or maybe I won't publish it. There really is a lot of work to do.


No, you are now at the beginning of the path that your colleagues were on

I haven't seen anything like that on this forum - it's all bicycles, and where are the colleagues?

You're a pioneer, in a way.

That's what's so surprising. Every year universities graduate thousands of people with knowledge of econometrics and not one of them on the forum. And I know for a fact that people without knowledge of econometrics are simply not employed in the relevant departments at banks and investment companies.

I have not seen any econometricians on this forum and I have not seen any in this thread. Instead of objections on the merits you get "this is science - truthing, science which has given nothing of its own".


to faa1947

Ничего подобного не видел на форуме - сплошные велосипеды ...

Don't you see that you yourself are an inventor (and don't get clever and fuck off), only now you look more like a young theoretical student who decided to pick up a hammer instead of a spanner and seems to have missed...

That's what's so surprising. Every year universities graduate thousands of people who know econometrics, and not one of them is on the forum.

You seem to be graduating them.

And I know for sure that the relevant departments in banks and investment companies do not employ people without knowledge of econometrics.

Of course not... You have got to be kidding me???? Look at any econometrics course at your universities. The first of the first ones you come across on google, some kind of MIEMP (I will not even look up the spelling), it is even worth the money:

The others aren't much better. Stop pointing the finger at this dumbfuck and calling THIS a separate, stand-alone science. Have some conscience after all... his fucking colleges... .... shit...

I haven't seen any econometricians on this forum and I haven't seen any in this thread

I'll even highlight what I've written: I agree completely and I haven't seen any econometricians here, which is very good, I hope I wasn't too harsh, colleague :o)

Farnsworth: You seem to be releasing them.

A couple with Yusuf, from whom we have yet to hear a single intelligible word on the matstat.

I am not against the use of statistics - but only if it is adequate, not with a cannon on a sparrow or a microscope instead of a hammer. So far, that's how it works.


I hope that wasn't too harsh, colleague :o)

The usual gibberish of a loser. Anything of substance at least.


to Mathemat

Good to see you! :о) It's all clear here, just a manual for teachers, like "how to make money on forex" hasn't been published yet, so the poor guys are suffering. They should be recommended to Neurob, it's not a pity to feed them to him.

to faa1947

Обычный треп неуча. Хоть что-нибудь по существу.

So, you took a ready-made model and made some predictions and now you are d'Artagnan the econometrician and we all are faggots? And the only thing cooler than eggs? I strongly suggest - stop f**king around, don't wake the professor in me.


to Mathemat

Good to see you! :о) It's all clear here, just a manual for teachers, like "how to make money on forex" hasn't been published yet, so the poor guys are suffering. They should be recommended to Neurob, it's not a pity to feed them to him.

to faa1947

So, you took a ready-made model and made some predictions and now you are d'Artagnan the econometrician and we all are faggots? And the only thing cooler than eggs? I strongly suggest - stop fucking around, don't wake up the professor in me.

Please be substantive. Don't replace the substance of the issue with aggression.

You're a pioneer, in a way.

That's what's so surprising. Every year, universities graduate thousands of people who know econometrics, and not one of them is on the forum. And I know for a fact that people without knowledge of econometrics are simply not employed in the relevant departments at banks and investment companies.

I have not seen any econometricians on this forum and I have not seen any in this thread. Instead of substantive objections you get "this is science - truther, science which has given nothing of its own".

I have been teaching econometrics for three years, though in my own interpretation. Econometrics in its present form, being a relatively young science, is mainly concerned with the adjustment of known functions to various economic processes and phenomena, followed by an assessment of the models obtained for adequacy. I think that economic issues deserve to be investigated from their origins with obtaining appropriate dependencies as they were not obtained in reality, instead of 'fitting' functions. Suffice it to say that up to now the formula for profit is not explicitly known, such as the relationship of profit to the quantity or selling price of a product. Apparently, they have not yet found the appropriate functions to adapt.

to: faa1947

to: Farnsworth

Don't quarrel, colleagues, each of us has our own opinions and cockroaches but that is no reason to descend into public humiliation. Let's live in peace. Farnsworth, for example, has his own thread, where he also pokes fun at times. We all have our own cockles in our heads, and that's great.