[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 127

men do the quotes in the terminal move from 2?
In Moscow at Alpari yes

2011.11.28 11:15:36 gold-dust_v8 EURUSD,M15: open #146155225 buy 1.00 EURUSD at 1.33042 sl: 1.32627 tp: 1.33427 ok - previous one closed by take

2011.11.28 11:15:05 gold-dust_v8 AUDUSD,M15: open #146155072 sell 1.00 AUDUSD at 0.98539 sl: 0.99154 tp: 0.97954 ok - previous one closed with loss

2011.11.28 11:15:42 gold-dust_v8 USDCAD,M15: open #146155236 buy 1.00 USDCAD at 1.03967 sl: 1.02957 tp: 1.04957 ok - previous one was lost


The IMF has denied rumours of a concessional loan for Italy:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is not in talks with Italy to provide it with emergency financing, the fund said today. Representatives of the IMF also denied reports appeared the day before in the Italian press that the fund is considering giving Italy an emergency loan due to the worsening debt crisis in the eurozone and the rising yield on the country's government bonds, reports Reuters.


Welt: "Europe's AAA-rated countries are negotiating to issue 'elite bonds'. There are 6 top-rated countries in the eurozone. The German finance minister has neither confirmed nor denied these talks".

ICAP said on Sunday it was preparing its electronic systems for trading involving the Greek drachma in case the country leaves the euro zone.

"This is due to customer concerns," said ICAP executive vice-president Edward Brown.

ICAP has been testing its systems to see how the drachma would trade in pairs with the dollar and the euro.

These tests are expected to help prepare for a potential exit from the eurozone and other countries.

In addition, according to informed sources, similar "stress tests" are being conducted by CLS in case of a eurozone collapse.

While just a few months ago no one seriously considered the possibility of a collapse of the eurozone, now, as the degree of uncertainty is increasing, traders and investors are trying to prepare for any possibility. According to a Barclays poll released last week, almost half of 1,000 investors expect at least one country to leave the eurozone in 2012.


I second that, as long as it's just sales...



I second that, as long as it's only sales...

so not at the bottom to sell

but at least from pullbacks

by the way my Friday forecast at 1.3350 just worked out

but looks like we'll go higher


it's not like we're selling at the bottom.

but at least from kickbacks.

It's not at the very bottom yet)))) There were times when I was selling tick to tick at the bottom, and it only went upwards, to the kolyan))))
key resistance 1.3411