[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 33

The Chinese said: solve the problem with Greece and then we will come to your aid...

The East, as always, is deceiving (happy holiday to all) and the West, as always, is diluting.

Who said so ? not much to be seen ... i think i have a small drop again for today or tomorrow ( pips intraday )

Greece faces new government and early elections

Following talks between Greece's two major parties, the date for early elections has been set for 19 February. In the coming days, a transitional government will be formed in the country, the current prime minister will not be part of it.Greece's two leading parties have agreed on a date for new elections in the country. According to representatives of the ruling All Greek Socialist Movement (PASOK) and conservative New Democracy, the "best moment" for early parliamentary elections is February 19. This was announced on Monday night, 7 November, by the Greek Finance Ministry, whose head Evangelos Venizelos led the PASOK delegation in talks with the opposition.

Most Greeks are in favour of the euro and against snap elections

The majority of Greeks are in favor of keeping the euro and against snap elections. According to polls, 52 percent of respondents support the proposal to form a national unity government.An overwhelming majority of Greek citizens would like to keep the euro as the country's currency. The AFP news agency reported on Sunday, November 6, citing the results of a poll conducted by the Protothema newspaper, 78 percent of respondents prefer that the euro remain the means of payment in the country. Only 11 percent expressed a desire to return to the drachma. The Ethnos newspaper poll found an even higher number of supporters of the pan-European currency - 81 per cent

Can you see the height by the 39 figure?

The East, as always, is deceiving (happy holiday to all) and the West, as always, is diluting .

Vizard:(I like them as a flat))

1.3 and below by the end of the year ))))

600 pips in a month? how much less?

i have a couple more thoughts of my own:

If you follow low liquid currencies, for example the Mexican peso (you know, I watched a report about Mexico on RBC), then it looks like an interesting picture - the dollar went up in 7 weeks, and before that it was going down for 2 years. I don't think the pesso decided anything on the charts, but the dollar did. That is why the current fall of the Euro does not mean that the Euro has become cheaper, while the dollar has really strengthened (the exchange rate RUB/USD and RUB/EUR proves it - currencies have become more expensive against the ruble). And what eurozone politicians are doing now in the news, imho, is not the willingness of Europe to pay for expensive energy - it's easier for them to "fraternize" with third world countries, to play a show called another wave of crisis, and achieve lower world energy prices

ZS: that's the imho, but again, imho - trade only on the charts, there is nothing useful in the news, the main thing is to look for current legislation

good luck!


The news of the resignation of the Greek prime minister and the establishment of a coalition government had a positive effect on Greek bank stocks. National Bank of Greece SA and Piraeus Bank SA gained more than 4%.

The Italian parliament will vote on Tuesday on tougher economic measures. The yield on Italy's ten-year government bonds reached a record high of 6.58% on Monday, surpassing the 6.50% mark that many analysts consider psychologically important for the country's debt securities.

Can you see the rise towards the 39th figure?

Well on the channel, I think so... but not so... but I don't see very well lately ))))) The euro is looking towards 1.3650...

On the monthly tank, the pattern is begging for growth of the latest ... I'll show you ...


the quid is a month... well, it's just begging to rise ))))


ZS: that's the imho, but again imho - you should trade solely on the charts, there is nothing useful in the news, the main thing is to look for the current lawmakers

No, the main thing is not to read the Soviet newspapers at lunch. And, imho, one should only trade according to current patterns. If I do not see them, I do not trade.