[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 32


this is normal... try to keep it in relative balance (sideways in the last 15-20 years)... the balance of the world economy is what they mean...once the balance is out of balance it will not be good...

I also forgot Italy - it's next in line after Greece...to mush about its problems )))

No I haven't forgotten, it is part of the "etc."

I think it will be a flat month, we'll be hovering between 1.41 and 1.35, we're already at the price of the beginning of the year anyway


Margareth, will the Chinese finally be pulled into Europe? Why do you think this circus with Greece and Russian aid to the EU is worth a nickel? ("... flip a coin, monsieur or madame, I'll pick it up - merci...")

No I haven't forgotten, it's part of the "etc"

I have a feeling they will start soon...

the other thing that sucks is that Greece is a bargain for the eu ... and that no one is holding it and other countries as well - that's fine ... but it's the eurozone's domestic market... and losing part of the foreign market is no good ... I think that has also affected the general attitude...

but it's the internal market of the Eurozone ... losing part of the external market is not good ... i think this has also affected the general attitude towards the Eurozone and the investors ...


As for the subject: I think the month will be flat, we will fluctuate between 1.41 and 1.35, however to the price of the beginning of the year already came

them a flier ))))

1.3 and lower by the end of the year )))


soon I feel they will...

The thing that sucks here is that Greece is a bargain for the eu ... and that no one is holding it and other countries as well - that's fine ...

but it's the internal market of the Eurozone ... losing part of the external market is not good ... i think this has also affected the general attitude towards the Eurozone and the investors ...

...The market has gained some confidence about the future of Greece and investors' attention has shifted to Italy, where a demonstration took place on Saturday, with participants demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and early elections.

...European leaders have officially signalled the possibility of Greece having to leave the eurozone could have very dangerous consequences...

...Until last week, such a scenario was seen as unacceptable. .... from now on, the eurozone will resort to threatening to expel recalcitrant states from its membership.

.... The crisis could take a much more severe turn. In the region's debt-ridden peripheral countries, for example, there could be a massive withdrawal of deposits from banks.


Margareth, will the Chinese finally be pulled into Europe? Why do you think this circus with Greece and Russian aid to the EU is worth a nickel? ("... flip a coin, monsieur or madame, I'll pick it up - merci...")

The Chinese said: solve the problem with Greece and then we will come to your aid...
...the market has gained some confidence about the future of Greece and investors' attention has shifted to Italy, where there was a demonstration on Saturday demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and early elections.

who said so ? not much to see yet...i have a small drop again for today/tomorrow (pips intraday)
...The currency union remains subject to many risks, so experts advise traders to keep an even closer eye on euro zone news this week than usual. In the event of negative developments, it will be necessary to sell the Australian dollar against its American rival, J.P.Morgan said.

Experts cited the fact that the Reserve Bank of Australia began cutting its key interest rate last week as the reason for the trade. In addition, there is some concern about Australia's economic growth prospects, and the Aussie exchange rate is closely correlated with the Euro and can reflect what is happening in the Eurozone and investors' risk appetite