[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 31

RekkeR: why he is shifting assets from the quid to paper and why the euro is rising, (not right now exactly)
If you put aside the Eurozone debt crisis, which I think is far-fetched, the euro would be under 1.7 by now... One gets the impression that this whole Eurozone crisis is just professionally played out in front of market participants.... If you remember, the debts of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, etc. are constantly being talked about, but as soon as the euro goes below 1.33-1.35, the talks subside, and as soon as you approach 1.42, they again scream about the problem of debt crisis in the Eurozone ... They do not want expensive euro and they keep it in a framework (for stability) in the range of 1,31-1,42...
margaret: it seems that this whole eurozone crisis has been professionally played out in front of market participants....

Yep, so much so that even Putin was fooled into it and started offering to lend them money through the IMF



Yep, so much so that even Putin was fooled into it and started offering to lend them money through the IMF


Even? I thought only Papandreou ...

Yep, so much so that even Putin was fooled into it and started offering to lend them money through the IMF


Did Putin tell you this personally?
Did Putin tell you this personally?

not in person yet, by the way he is visiting my region this month ;)

IMF chief Christine Lagarde has arrived in Russia to discuss the EU crisis with President Dmitry Medvedev. Moscow is ready to provide aid of $10 billion. Medvedev and Lagarde are also expected to discuss the growing influence of developing countries on the global economy.
Read more: http://news.mail.ru/politics/7264108/?frommail=1


not in person yet, by the way he will be visiting my region this month ;)

Don't screw it up :)

Don't screw it up :)
Paint the lawns.

IMF chief Christine Lagarde has arrived in Russia to discuss the crisis in the European Union with President Dmitry Medvedev. Moscow is ready to provide aid of $10 billion. Medvedev and Lagarde are also expected to discuss the growing influence of emerging economies on the global economy.
Read more: http://news.mail.ru/politics/7264108/?frommail=1

Already gone:

The world economy is in a dangerous and uncertain phase, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde said today, delivering a lecture at the State University of the Russian Ministry of Finance. She said there was now "clearly a worsening outlook and emerging risks" and global economic growth was now weakening.

"If we were to revise its forecast and you asked in which direction, I would say definitely in the downward direction," Lagarde said.

The IMF Managing Director also made it clear that Russia should not consider the euro zone crisis a distant matter that does not concern it. "The risks stemming from the current state of the global economy are very high. In particular, if the eurozone crisis continues to worsen, developing European countries will be hit hard by falling exports and financial tensions as immediate neighbours," she warned.

Read full story: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/07/11/2011/623885.shtml


Don't lose it :)

I'll be at work and he'll come and he'll ask all the happy people who don't work and leave, and those who do work will see how fine everything is on TV as usual

As for the substance: I think the month will be flat, we will go back and forth between 1.41 and 1.35, we are at the price of the beginning of the year

If you ignore the problems of the eurozone debt crisis, which I think is farfetched, the euro would be at 1.7 ... one gets the impression that the whole eurozone crisis has been played professionally in front of market participants.... If you remember, the debts of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, etc. are constantly being talked about, but as soon as the euro goes below 1.33-1.35, the talks subside, and as soon as you approach 1.42, they again scream about the problem of debt crisis in the Eurozone... They do not benefit from the expensive euro and keep it within the framework (for stability) in the range of 1.31-1.42...

this is normal... trying to keep in relative balance (sideways in the last 15-20 years)... the balance of the world economy is in their eyes...once the balance is out of balance it will not be good...

forgot Italy, it's next in line after Greece... its problems are being discussed ))))