No grail? - page 6

The story of Savaof Baalovich is a relatively recent one for me. In times immemorial, S. B. Odin was the leading magician of the globe. Cristobal Junta and Gian Giacomo were his disciples. In his name they conjured up evil spirits. Vessels of jinn were sealed in his name. King Solomon wrote enthusiastic letters to him and built temples in his honour. He seemed all-powerful. Sometime in the middle of the sixteenth century, he was indeed all-powerful. By numerically solving the integro-differential equation of Supreme Perfection, derived by some titan before the Ice Age, he was able to work a miracle. Each of the mages has its own limit. Some are incapable of bringing out the vegetation on their ears. Others have the generalised law of Lomonosov-Lavasier but are powerless over the second principle of thermodynamics. Others - very few of them - can, say, stop time, but only in Riemannian space and not for long. Savoof Baalovich became omnipotent. He could do anything. And he couldn't do anything. Because the boundary condition of the Perfection equation turned out to be the requirement that a miracle should do no harm to anyone. No sentient being. Not on Earth or in any other part of the Universe. And no one, not even the Baalovic himself, could imagine such a miracle. So S.B. Odin gave up magic forever and became head of the Technical Service Department of the NIHRAVO...


I learned the story of Savaof Baalovich relatively recently. In times immemorial, S. B. Odin was the leading magician of the globe. Cristobal Junta and Gian Giacomo were his disciples. In his name they conjured up evil spirits. Vessels of jinn were sealed in his name. King Solomon wrote enthusiastic letters to him and built temples in his honour. He seemed all-powerful. Sometime in the middle of the sixteenth century, he was indeed all-powerful. By numerically solving the integro-differential equation of Supreme Perfection, derived by some titan before the Ice Age, he was able to work a miracle. Each of the mages has its own limit. Some are incapable of bringing out the vegetation on their ears. Others have the generalised law of Lomonosov-Lavasier but are powerless over the second principle of thermodynamics. Others - very few of them - can, say, stop time, but only in Riemannian space and not for long. Savoof Baalovich became omnipotent. He could do anything. And he couldn't do anything. Because the boundary condition of the Perfection equation turned out to be the requirement that a miracle should do no harm to anyone. No sentient being. Not on Earth or in any other part of the Universe. And no one, not even the Baalovic himself, could imagine such a miracle. And S.B. Odin gave up magic for good and became head of the Maintenance Department of the NIHRAVO...

-Devil offered a passer-by to sell him his soul after his death, and receive the money of 1,000 c.u. now

-I ask for 10K, but tell me, will you take your life now and unexpectedly?

-I'll give you 10K, not when you die a natural death.

-I'll give you $1,000!

-I agree, take the money!



-I don't see your interest or the catch!

Moral: Nothing happens without the interest of the other side or you don't see the catch.


And there is another option to consider:

Let's introduce a limit on the maximum size of the working deposit - all the surplus will go to the extra fund ;)

Let us introduce M=25000$.


and if the balance exceeds this designated threshold, the surplus will be withdrawn.




And, of course, it is of interest to analyse the results over the whole period.

For a change, let's take a planning horizon of 4 years, and set a threshold of M=30000.




Let's move on ;)


And, of course, it is of interest to analyse the results over the whole period.

For a change, let's take a planning horizon of 4 years, and set a threshold of M=30000.




Let's move on ;)

Should the real interest be 5% ?
Should the real interest be 5% ?
it's not difficult ;)
it's not difficult ;).

It's up to everyone -- everyone has their own opportunities and impossibilities, and with them the grails;) -- as I mentioned at the beginning.

In general, by saying that "it's not hard", I meant only changing the input data.

You can offer your own specific, experience-based input data -- and I'll do a calculation on it.


It's up to everyone -- everyone has their own opportunities and impossibilities, and with them the grails ;) -- as I mentioned at the beginning.

In general, by saying that "it's not hard", I meant only changing the input data.

You can propose your own specific, experience-based inputs -- and I'll do the calculation on them.

5% per month, reinvestment once every 3 months.