No grail? - page 2


I'll just drop in for a moment :)

If we consider a hypothetical 100% effective trading system as a grail, then it must eventually swallow the whole market and replace it with itself.

That is, the market is a grail. So, there is a grail, and at the same time it does not exist.

And this whole argument degenerates to a chicken and egg ... :)


I'll just drop in for a moment :)

If we consider a hypothetical 100% effective trading system as a grail, then it must eventually swallow the whole market and replace it with itself.

That is, the market is a grail. So, there is a grail, and at the same time it does not exist.

And this whole argument degenerates to a chicken and egg ... :)

It's more in the realm of adolescent maximalism...



In my opinion, it is much more correct and productive to define for oneself, so to speak,a "grail of local significance" -- instead of a "global grail" with the capture of the entire world and its environs ;))

What do I mean by that? I'll explain later.


In my opinion, it is much more correct and productive to define for oneself, so to speak, a "grail of local significance" -- instead of a "global grail" with the capture of the entire world and its environs ;))

What do I mean by that? I'll explain a little later.

It's half past 5 p.m. Musc.


And this whole argument degenerates to chicken and egg... :)

By the way, I heard somewhere in the news on one of the central TV channels, scientists have decided on this issue - the egg is RANGE...:-)

Here, IMHO, the task is to define the concept of GRAAL... I'm sure the closest TS, to this very GRAAL (as an option!!!, oh what a!!!!! :-)), a possible strategy based on arbitrage, cluster indicators, search the code base - a lot of them ......:-) authors (in memory, the notebook is not with me now) masters Lexandros, hrenfx, of course, not excluded "correction" ...:-) their owls, MM rules compliance, etc... Look it up... For starters (inoculation) something like this. But the closest to GRAAL, IMHO, is leonid553 -

see this and this forum threads...- forgive me Leonid...:-))


it's more in the realm of adolescent maximalism...


I don't know about juvenile... I have described to you the case of a hypothetical absolute grail.

I have not encountered any other descriptions of a "local" grail(s), at least on the pages of this web-site.

The quest of this grail is going on continuously, but no one can give a clear description of its features. Well.

It's not much later than 5.30 p.m. Musc.
You've got to get your head together... the question is... ;)

I don't know about juvenile... I have described to you the case of a hypothetical absolute grail.

No other descriptions of a "local" grail(s) I have not encountered, at least on the pages of this website.

The quest of this grail is going on continuously, but no one can describe its features clearly. So.

in no way was I attempting to snag it in any way... I'm sorry if I offended...

As to a hypothetical absolute grail - that is why there are no signs of it, it cannot be "absolute" ;)

It is akin to "universal happiness on Earth" -- you can say it, you can even include this phrase into a party program, but it will never come true ;) It shines like an unattainable ideal...

That's why I say that it is much more productive to set achievable, realistic goals instead of dreams of an ideal.

zoritch 29.04.2011 23:26
No grail...

"The Force is within you, Luke!" :)

But as a matter of fact, the grail is different for everyone. No one needs some spherical grail in a vacuum anyway. You need something that allows you to make enough money for each individual. And from this point of view, there are grails.


Come on...

I think the philosophical meaning of the Grail is clear. It's about finding yourself. In what? It doesn't matter. Some people will be able to do real trading that would make the soros gasp. Someone will write software that no one else can write with such logic and clarity. There is little else.

The grail is the actualization of us in this world. That's all it is. It is not little. Or rather, it is the best thing that can happen to us.

Don't look like that. I'm sober. Just saying what I think.


That reminds me of Oscar Wilde. I guess that would be: "Most of us are not us. Our thoughts are other people's judgements; our lives are mimicry; our passions are a quote!"
How more accurate would you say that? )))