There's a catch somewhere... - page 8


"I've been in the market for 3 years, switched to real a month ago..."

I'm brain dead.

With what?

A cent lot and Leverage=1000?

The market is a one-armed bandit.

So why are one-click trading platforms so popular?



and the author has been clicking for three years!

The main enemy is the spread. The rest is bullshit.

If you leave out the individual cases, then the spread is the cause of the drain.

Spread + randomness = failure

cause + condition = result

(This is the main law of the Big Universe).

The cause here is the spread, and the condition is randomness.

Keep analyzing.

If chance (ignorance, delusion) is replaced with a pattern (thorough knowledge, understanding), then the pattern becomes the cause, and the spread takes the place of the condition. We obtain the following result:

regularity(cause) + spread(condition) = profit(result)

And to achieve a thorough knowledge (understanding) you need to do analysis.


If you leave out the individual cases, then the spread is the cause of the drain.

Spread + randomness = sinking

cause + condition = result

(this is the main Law of the Big Universe)

Here the cause is the spread, and the condition is randomness.

Let's go on with our reasoning.

If chance (ignorance, delusion) is replaced with a pattern (thorough knowledge, understanding), then the pattern becomes the cause, and the spread takes the place of the condition. We obtain the following result:

regularity(cause) + spread(condition) = profit(result)

And to achieve a thorough knowledge (understanding) it is necessary to carry out the analysis.

so where's the catch....?

the level of leverage is inversely proportional to the integrity of the broker...

are there any other opinions ?


the level of leverage is inversely proportional to the integrity of the broker...

are there any other opinions ?

and for a moment imagine that you have a credible statistical advantage - you have 70% of your entries profitable and only 30% unprofitable.

The lot is fixed. Take Profit=Stop Loss.

Which broker will you go to, all other things being equal, execution. SPREDS, etc.?



But for a moment imagine that you have a true statistical advantage - you have 70% of entries profitable and only 30% loss-making.

The lot is constant. Take Profit=Stop Loss.

Which broker will you go to, all other conditions being equal - execution. Spreads, etc.?


and I got 80% and I chose al***i (what's the point here - if they don't pay, we'll go to someone else)
OK...let's start with the claims - how easy was your withdrawal...?
OK... let's start with the claims - how easy was your withdrawal...?

If you don't chase spreads, executions, bonuses and other trinkets and free cheese - you don't usually have withdrawal problems). Otherwise, they often go to Ashot in a back alley to change dollars for roubles because he has a good exchange rate, and then without money and with a broken head they complain about life.

If you do not chase spreads, performance, bonuses and other trinkets and free cheese - you do not usually have withdrawal problems). Otherwise, as often happens with us: they go to Ashot in the alleyway to change dollars for roubles, because he has a good rate, and then they have no money and complain about life with their heads caved in.

The leveraged lure is also on your list.

but I strongly disagree that high leverage is evil.

You shouldn't take credit/loans outside of DT...


Just mow with the cow (or for the cow) - like Tantric.

and I have 80% and I have chosen al***i ( what is the point here - if they do not pay, let's go to another one)

It is true that there is a reasonable question - why did not you try to withdraw the profit?

Why the uncertainty?

I think the answer is obvious - as Slava, our friend Tantrik is studying the demo. and its difference from the real (there is already a branch).

After the testor.

But the move is the right one!

Good luck!


The lure with the shoulder - there to your list as well.

but I strongly disagree that high leverage is evil.

You shouldn't take credit/loans outside of DT...


Just mow with the cow (or for the cow) - like Tantric.

It is true that there is a reasonable question - why did not you try to withdraw the profit?

Why the uncertainty?

I think the answer is obvious - as Slava, our friend Tantrik is studying the demo. and its difference from the real (there is already a branch).

After the testor.

But the move is the right one!

Good luck!

Real trading on demo (Zulu service). Demo is easier purely emotionally (there will be no sinking) and I have already connected with real money.
I have already connected the profitability (I have already mentioned it) 5% per month. For 80% I am not lying, monitoring is open. I wish success to myself and to all my future followers! (The victory will be for us over xforex - 80% of profitable trades are and always will be!)