There's a catch somewhere... - page 2


Ok, I admit that the number of bars may change depending on the time, I agree, +\- 2 bars per week if the difference is 2 hours, but how can you explain this (moved to H1)? Even on those brokerage companies, where the time is the same, the entry and exit points and the height of the candles are a bit different

Even the Everage Mooving is differently curved, although the same time


"You don't have a closed fracture there, you have an open fracture" Diamond Arm

on the screenshot is 22.

more on the screenshot: ICQ and Opera ;)

OK, I admit that the number of bars may change depending on the time, I agree, +/- 2 bars per week if the difference is 2 hours, but how do you explain this (moved to H1)? Even on those brokerage companies, where the time is the same, the entry and exit points and the actual height of the candles are a bit different

Why are you surprised? It's the "famous" Alps.

There is no need to worry about the difference between the market entry and the exit.


Even at those brokerage companies where the time is the same, the entry and exit points and the height of the candles are slightly different.

What are entry and exit points of candlesticks anyway? What the hell are they? Opening and closing price?

Of course minor differences in quotes have and will continue to exist, especially in forex, where there is no single platform, and where quotes are just "thought-provoking" information.

Why are you surprised - these are the 'famous' Alps.

I wonder what they are famous for? =) and in general in this post I wanted to get information about reliable DCs

I wonder what they are famous for? =) and in general in this post I wanted to get information about reliable DCs
Snotty they are. The snotiest DC probably. Look in the same post - finished it.

Of course there have been and will continue to be minor differences in quotations, especially in forex, where there is no single platform and where quotations are just information for reflection.

Can you explain this in more detail? I've always been interested in this question. The data is indeed taken from identical sources. Or is it not? Then how?
Can I go into more detail here? I have always been interested in this question myself. The data does come from the same sources. Or is it not? Then how?
No, it's not. Sometimes, the data is not taken from anywhere at all... but it is drawn.

I wonder what they are famous for? =) And in general in this post I wanted to get information about reliable brokerages
The first thing you have to do is to make profit on the demo, and the reliability of the broker does not matter, and then you should look for a broker for real trading. My way (from first demo to real trading) took 7 years...
The candlesticks are different because there are different quote providers, and each brokerage company has its own quote base on their server.