Mechanisation of optimal parameter selection. Finding a common denominator. - page 13

And? There are some. They were used to sell tulips in Holland as early as the 16th century. Or maybe even earlier, I don't remember.

As I understand it, you're the smartest, because you don't trade, but you write... If you do not know what the Forex market is (what is Forex? What is the system? Who gave it and who put the conditions and why?) Good luck again!

(zy: if you have a system - 1) it will answer any question on any 2) will work on a broken line (or straight line) that I draw for example next week and explain how it does it).(by the way did you buy or sell the eura on the advice ...?)


Not mine, I have not checked it myself, but I will check it for sure, and I learned about this "nonsense" from Igor Kim's post:

OK, let's do the math. Let's assume that the max drawdowns in pips are the same for both systems or given.

The total max drawdown can be from 0 to 2. But in practice I have never seen a total drawdown less than one.

Usually a bit more than 1, it depends on many factors.

42.88 + 60.32 = 103.2/102.95 = 1.0024 -- a nice figure.

For a PV of about 10, it would be almost unrealistic to get such figures.

As I understand it, you are the most reasonable because you don't trade, you write...

Paukas is at it again )))))

As I understand it you are the most reasonable because you do not trade, but you write ... The real question is forex (what is forex? What is the system? Who gave it and who put the conditions and why?) Good luck again!

(zy: if you have a system - 1) it will answer any question on any 2) will earn on a broken line (or straight line) which I will draw for example the next week and explain how it does it).(by the way have you bought or sold the eur on the advice ...?)

I bought on a breakdown of the high. But it didn't go and I stopped at zero. Want me to show you a picture?
Bought on the breakdown of the high. But it didn't go and stopped at zero.

No signal about the change of trend up on H4, moreover on D1. (by my PS - it's time to go up, though there may always be a 2nd bottom) do not need any picture, I have MT4 turned on, and also the quid's idex had 5 touches, will it go up or will it break-through - it is necessary to wait.

No signal of an upward trend change on H4, much less on D1. (according to my PS - it's time to go up, although there could always be a 2nd bottom)
what is the ss ?

There is no signal of change of trend up on H4, moreover on B1. (according to my PS - it's time to go up, though there may always be a 2nd bottom).

My trend is determined by the 120 muving on the clock. Price above the muving is a good place to buy. Below it is a place to sell.

Such a simple filter increases the yield almost twice.

what is an SAR ?

a forecasting system.
Let's all call trading strategies predictive systems ))))), maybe they will work better )))
Don't talk bullshit for others. They can do it themselves))

What then is the meaning of your post:

"The system is a fit with historical data. If the fit is good, it will be profitable for some time. If it doesn't, you have to adjust it again. Trying to design a system that works on "all available history" is doomed.

Good fitting differs from bad fitting in that changing the adjusted parameter within a wide range leaves the system profitable.

For example: we adjust and optimize the MA. We obtained the optimum and determined a period of 100. If the system stays profitable in the range of 50-200, this is a good fitting system.

If a good TS is not defined by the possibility of a good fit, then clarify what you meant.