Mechanisation of optimal parameter selection. Finding a common denominator. - page 7

I have also heard that if two systems have FS for example 4 and 6, then working together (simultaneously) they will give FS=4+6=10. What do you think about this?
Would love to hear your alternatives. Just not on the level of philosophy, but practice
I would love to hear your alternatives. Not on a philosophical level, but on a practical level
I plan to present the new concept in a separate thread shortly. However, the absence of alternatives does not mean that the chosen path is the right one.
I plan to present the new concept in a separate thread shortly. However, a lack of alternatives does not mean that the path is the right one.
ok. we'll wait))
I plan to present the new concept in a separate thread shortly. However, the absence of alternatives does not mean that the path is the right one.
Avals are easy to check:))
Avals path is easy to check:))
Yes, I have. Desperate act) Only it's not someone's personal path and success stories that are discussed here.
Yes, I have. Desperate act) Only it's not someone's personal journey and success stories that are discussed here.
Clearly, clichés and mantras are discussed ))
Yes, I have. Desperate act) Only it's not someone's personal journey that's being discussed here.
No, there was no desperation - there was reinvestment)) But I agree that it's proof of personal character. Just any way you look at it, it still comes down to a history test. Even a real test is already a story)) And you'll encounter statistics anyway if you want a statistical advantage rather than a guessing game :)

The system is a fit with historical data. If the fit is good, it will be profitable for some time. If it doesn't, it needs to be adjusted again. Trying to come up with a system that works on "all available history" is doomed.

Good fitting differs from bad fitting in that changing the adjusted parameter within a wide range leaves the system profitable.

For example: we adjust and optimize the MA. We obtained the optimum and determined a period of 100. If the system stays in the 50-200 range, it is a good fitting.

That is great. This can be considered a starting point for the problem we want to solve.

Now about the doom "on all available history":

-- If you know (and prompt us) how to select sets that meet the "Good Fit" requirement among the optimization results, then we only need to write a self-optimizing Expert Advisor and teach it to select these "good sets" and feed them into itself.

As a result, we'll get an Expert Advisor that will work on "all available history", and all available history for it will be OOS.

Get it?



let's post here the results of optimization of an EA on MA, included to MT4, (or any other, no problem)

and you try to select a "good set".

If it turns out that the selection methods are correct, let's say for 10 tries, then we'll code the case. The "auto-optimiser" is already there.

It won't take much of your time.

Are you ready, Vladimir? (Terms to be negotiated...)

Maybe someone else is ready to show a master class? Feel free to come along...


Would anyone else be willing to show a workshop?

Well, let's try it together. Don't be surprised if you have to throw it away)))