[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 8: October 2011) - page 18


A gizmo that will prompt you to do something as you would do it.

As you would

I see. No thanks. I like trading pens and thinking with my head, I'm at ease with it.
Speak up - I'll make an advisor! ;)

Let me be clear: I don't sell SMPOs! And I don't offer or intend to offer anyone to buy any of my designs :)

chief analyst in place )))... we can go to bed...

good luck and profits to all...

France: INSEE predicts that worries about the debt crisis will virtually nullify growth in France's economy. E-17 by Q4

-French economy in Q3, E-17 could have a "small technical rebound"
-French GDP +0.3% q/q in Q3, zero growth in Q4
-French private sector employment growth should slow down
-French b/r rate to rise again in late 2011
-Eurozone GDP to rise by 0.1% q/q in Q3, unchanged in Q4
-Economicoutlook linked to too much "high uncertainty"

Insee states that the economic picture for France and the eurozone as a whole has deteriorated significantly in the past 3 months as the debt crisis undermines confidence, contributes to a stock market crash and brings uncertainty to developed countries.

Here's someone else to agree with regarding exchange rate depreciation:

Yesuke Sakakibara, Japan's former deputy finance minister, known as "Mr Yen" for managing to influence the Japanese currency through both verbal and actual interventions, believes that the United States and Europe are interested in weak currencies to stimulate their economic growth.


Market consensus is that Japan may intervene to stimulate EUR/JPY appreciation and support domestic exporters, with the agreement of European leaders, if the Land of the Rising Sun promises, for its part, to invest euros purchased during the intervention into the European Financial Stability Facility by buying EFSF bonds.

Sakakibara says Japan's economy, though shattered by the devastating March earthquake, is now in the process of recovering, unlike the weakening European and American economies. As a result, European authorities, according to the expert, will criticize Japan's interventions aimed at strengthening the euro against the yen.

Sakakibara also stresses that the rise of the single currency is caused by macroeconomic factors and any unilateral interventions from the Japanese monetary authority would be useless and would have only a short-term effect.


The Swiss franc is declining against its US rival due to talk that the Swiss National Bank is going to continue to implement measures aimed at weakening the national currency.

The SNB said foreign exchange reserves rose from 253.4 billion francs in August to 282.4 billion francs ($306 billion) at the end of September. Last month, the central bank pegged the franc to the euro, promising to buy foreign exchange in unlimited quantities to keep the EUR/CHF pair above $1.20. Many now believe the SNB may raise that threshold, Commerzbank noted.

It should be noted that currency interventions are boosting the money supply in Switzerland, adding to inflationary pressures. Consumer prices in the country rose by 0.3% (m/m) in September after declining by the same amount in August. Annual CPI growth was 0.5% against a forecast of 0.3% and after an August rise of 0.2%.

I see. No thanks. I like trading pens and thinking with my head, I'm at ease with it.

Any comments on-line would be appreciated

chief analyst in place ))))... we can go to bed...

good luck and profits to all...



Any on-line comment would be appreciated


do you have anything besides other people's bullshit analytics ?))) how do you trade in general...or don't trade...))


for today's short...