It's Friday and it's boring. :( - page 5


I do not know about bears - I try not to stick to any opinion about the direction of the market - for that there are systems, let them think. And about the strange definition - what is strange about it? Didn't I explain it clearly?

If you don't stick to any opinion, there will be no profit. You don't have to ask for it.

It only happens when your opinion coincides with the opinion of the market. And there is no other way.


If you don't stick to any opinion, there will be no profit. You don't have to ask for an opinion.

If you've got a good faith in the market, you'll get a profit. You can't do it any other way.

I don't have an opinion. My systems have opinions. And they may not be the same. :)

When I had an opinion, I always lost sooner or later - I can't trade with my hands. :)


Well... I can hold a position for quite a long time - and nothing. :)
You can do it for a long time, but it is not so easy to achieve the required ratio of profit to loss. In the case of short targets, the risk is minimal and you can always recover what you have lost in subsequent trades.

I don't have an opinion. My systems have an opinion. ....

The moped is not mine :))
You may do it for a long time, but it is very difficult to obtain the necessary profit/loss ratio. In case of short targets the risk is minimal and you always have a chance to get back what you lost in next trades.

I'll be honest - I don't have that kind of experience. What I've coded is the usual trend-following systems. On watches it's PF=1.3...1.4, which is generally average for intraday (no grails, as you see). I have not had any positive experience with short targets. Because, at the very least, you are likely to have problems with DC, imho.

If it is not a secret - what is the average deal frequency and profit factor for your systems?

The moped is not mine :))

The moped is mine, just rides itself. :)

I'll be honest - I don't have that kind of experience. What I've coded is the usual trend-following systems. On watches it's PF=1.3...1.4, which is generally average for intraday (no grails, as you see). I have not had any positive experience with short targets. Because, at the very least, you are likely to have problems with DC, imho.

If it's no secret - what is your average deal frequency and profit factor for your systems?

And how did you manage to code "conventional trend-following systems" if you have no trends?
And how did you manage to code "normal trend-tracking systems" if you don't have trends?

"Trend-tracking" systems is the _traditional_ name of the class of systems whose recipe I described above (I think it's where there are a lot of bucats... I don't remember exactly).

"Trend-tracking" systems is the _traditional_ name for the class of systems whose recipe I described above (I think that's where a lot of the bucaf... can't remember exactly anymore).
I see. Well, it's good that for once you used traditional methods. So what are your systems like? Do they have an opinion on the market direction or not?
I see. Well, it's a good thing you used traditional methods for once. So what are your systems like? Do they have an opinion on the market direction or not?

Only within a given time window. No trends. :)

That's what I'm talking about - it's moving, but not trending.