Dependency statistics in quotes (information theory, correlation and other feature selection methods) - page 41


"Calm down! Only calm!"

We are probably in a phase where we don't have to fear that "...if you're being cheated on, it's from the heart" (c).

;) Very much so.

"Calm down! Only calm!"

We're probably in a phase where we don't have to fear that "...if they're being cheated on, it's from the heart" (c).

Well, if you say so, let's begin:

What is all the fuss about, anyway? Another bold attempt to describe the price behaviour of a financial instrument with the simplest tactics? (even if it is Adverse).
Don't you think it's funny, experienced people?
If we're not talking about trading methods yet ... Then what's the point of it all?
No noise, noise is everything but... what is this nonsense? Friday's not until tomorrow, if anything.

Here's a fresh face on the forum. Fresh blood, fresh meat, fresh brains - as you like. Stream of attention to a fresh look, of course, a natural result and very much welcomed by the administration of the resource. That's fine. Nevertheless, I allow myself to sign up as a sceptic. Dear multipoints, do you mind? ;)

So: bullshit in a moonlit night. Such statements as predicting dozens of steps ahead are cured solely by a steat from the real. You see, a few rulers are attached to the extremums and that's it! Just like children, yeybo... Even a beginner will show you such a hocus-pocus on history here. And do you want someone to put Mario Draghi's autograph in real quotes at your leisure?

... from the bottom of my heart. ©


I am also... "floating"... Maybe "someone else"? Could you voice your "questions about the model to Alexey? As a point of reference for moving forward.

I'm having a hard time piecing together the information so far.

I understand that something is being fed to the input (what exactly? and how is it getting there? these are questions), minus the noise. How the noise is sifted out, I haven't yet understood. I also don't understand what it is for the research model.

No questions on what the model itself does yet. There is a desire to talk about the results. But in order to get to them and understand them, I want to sort out what's in the input.


OK, I'll be more specific. I don't have a strictly mathematical proof, but I don't think you have that proof either, that TA is described by strictly mathematical methods and models.

You have no proof in formulas of TA consistency, you have only results that say it is consistent, only by experience.

Creation had at one time only empirical proof, it had no mate proof or causality. He didn't need them, he didn't need them, he didn't need to understand WHY the stat advantage pops up, in order to take advantage of it and pull it by the ears, strengthening it, but making it rare at the same time.

You are demanding proof of randomness from the opponents.

Attention question. Do you yourself have proof of non-randomness, mathematically? After all, there is no limit to the number of experiments on which you base such questions, when you can count a certain number of test results as a proof barrier.

Running 58 EAs for about a month in demo mode gives a chance to cautiously consider that the mat model can provide a stat advantage: Search: sulton
Running 58 EAs for more than a month in demo mode gives a chance to believe that a matmodel can provide a statistical advantage: Search: sulton

On gpsc can? )))))) The question is rhetorical.

Well, if you say so, let's get on with it:

And what is all the fuss about? Just another brave attempt to describe the behavior of the price of a financial instrument with the simplest tactics? (even if it's Adverse).
Don't you laugh, experienced people?
If we're not talking about trading methods yet ... Then what's the point of it all?
No noise, noise is everything but... what is this nonsense? Friday's not until tomorrow, if anything.

Here's a fresh face on the forum. Fresh blood, fresh meat, fresh brains - whatever you like. The flood of attention to the fresh look is, of course, a legitimate result and very much welcomed by the resource administration. That's fine. Nevertheless, I allow myself to sign up as a sceptic. Dear multipoints, do you mind? ;)

So: bullshit in a moonlit night. Such statements as predicting dozens of steps ahead are cured solely by a steat from the real. You see, a few rulers are attached to the extremums and that's it! Just like children, yeybo... Even a beginner will show you such a hocus-pocus on history here. And do you want someone to put Mario Draghi's autograph in real quotes at your leisure?

... from the bottom of my heart. ©

Who has it tomorrow and who has it now, Vasili.

By the way the autograph, or autochartist li, also drew the figures, you can stick the adverza in it .

You already posted the link with the results (albeit a long time ago) in a branch, less flapping of buttons.


N gpsh can? )))))) The question is rhetorical.

Please decipher your thought. If you mean random number generation, then:

"random number generation is too important to be left to chance" (Robert R. Cavieu).


And you say ktn... eh... your pseudo-random number generator by the leg....

What is it with people today, a couple of words question and they don't get it. Can the gpsc do it? Meaning - can your mat model provide a stat advantage on gpsc?


If you say so, let's get started:

What's all the fuss about? Another bold attempt to describe the price behavior of a financial instrument with the simplest tactics? (even if it is Adverse)
Don't you think it's funny, experienced people?
Like we're not talking about trading methods yet ... Then what is it all for?
There is no noise, the noise is everything but... what is this nonsense? Friday's not until tomorrow, if anything.

Here's a fresh face on the forum. Fresh blood, fresh meat, fresh brains - whatever you want. The flow of attention to the fresh look is, of course, a legitimate result and very much welcomed by the administration of the resource. That's fine. Nevertheless, I allow myself to sign up as a sceptic. Dear multipoints, do you mind? ;)

So: bullshit in a moonlit night. Such statements as predicting dozens of steps ahead are cured solely by a steat from the real. You see, a few rulers are attached to the extremums and that's it! Just like children, yeybo... Even a beginner will show you such a hocus-pocus on history here. And do you want someone to put Mario Draghi's autograph in real quotes at your leisure?

... from the bottom of my heart. ©

"Dear multi-points, do you mind? ;)"

Already said, I'm the only one here, so there's no need to address the plural ;)

"Statements such as predicting dozens of steps ahead are treated solely by steat from the real."

The method has been voiced for like 10 years. There is a program that builds everything automatically. Any questions to the TA analysis method? But I am not ready to answer them here. Much has already been written and said without me and with my participation.

Econometrics is a science. Do you need a state to understand it? Or econometrics is nothing without the state?

Why do you have to show the statement? To convince the public that you are cool (image) and to take control (money). I'm not interested in my image and I'm not interested in money.

I'm interested in figuring out the issues.

And yes, I do use TA, which is accurate to a point (not always, not everywhere, noise can get in the way, just getting to grips with the issue) in real life gives a forecast.

You can create a Rembrandt canvas out of history bars - respect. TA makes a forecast on history bars. You do not believe? Don't;) I do not need your faith. I didn't come to the porch for admirers, I came for answers. Wrong form? Well, I came in what I could.


And you say ktn... eh... your pseudo-random number generator by the leg....

What is it with people today, a couple of words question and they don't get it. Can the gpsc do it? Meaning - can your mat model provide a stat advantage on gpsc?

Only if there is a flaw in the generator algorithm itself, otherwise not.