[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 66


it wasn't a reaction to this news...not by the calendar...


the market is quiet. everyone is waiting for the performance


Has Bernanke got water in his mouth or something? Somebody slap his cheeks. The market has stopped altogether.



Has Bernanke got water in his mouth or something? Somebody slap his cheeks. The market has stopped altogether.


short on small...take a small...(pips)...



It looks like it will fall quietly until the morning...

Gentlemen, share your thoughts on the EUR-bucks for the current one, do you have any downside, 100-130 pips?

The two new Russians have met: ".... Hello! A drink?! ... "

"... Nah, the doctor won't let me..."

"... Mine wouldn't let me do it either, so I gave him 100 quid - now I can do it...".


The euro rose quickly on the back of dollar liquidity provided by central banks. In recent weeks,US fundshave withdrawn dollar-denominated assets from the market, causing the euro to fall .

European banks find it difficult to borrow in US dollars. The European Central Bank gave two European banks a loan of 575 million dollars.

It is unclear what the dollar liquidity in Europe has to do with it.

On 12.09.2011 the EZBgave out statistics which said that banks are increasingly using the possibility of storing excess liquidity in the EZB itself where the amount reached 197.750 billion euros against 181.788 billion euros last month.


The euro rose quickly on the back of dollar liquidity provided by central banks. In recent weeks,US fundshave withdrawn dollar-denominated assets from the market, causing the euro to fall .

European banks are finding it increasingly difficult to borrow in US dollars. The European Central Bank gave two European banks a loan of 575 million dollars.

It is unclear what the dollar liquidity in Europe has to do with it.

On 12.09.2011 the EZBgave out statistics which said that banks are increasingly using the possibility of storing excess liquidity in the EZB itself where the amount reached 197.750 billion euros against 181.788 billion euros last month.

What's not to understand? The prerequisite for repeating what has been done is - see "The Great Depression". "The Great Depression.

Think it will fall quietly until the morning ...

It's already hard for the bulls... The bulls are already having a hard time ... but I think they will try to go up again today ... we'll see ...

Good Luck and Profits to all ...



It is unclear what dollar liquidity in europe has to do with it..................

I like to collect all sorts of "tales" about the markets. Here's one of them...18.06.1815. Agents of the British branch of the Rodschild family watched the military action of Napoleon's army, (I do not remember the location of the battle) and 20 hours before the official news of Napoleon's lost battle reached London, they reported the news to Lord Veligton and Nathan Rothschild. Nathan Rothschild, broke the news that Napoleon had won the war on the London Stock Exchange. Stocks instantly dropped 98% and Rothschild immediately bought up the entire economy of England 2pence against the pound.When the truth of Napoleon's defeat was announced in England, stocks instantly soared in value. England became the undisputed leader of Europe and Rothschild owned its economy...)) Conclusion; You have to remember, there are enemies around and you can't believe everything....))))