Ukraine's Independence Day - page 6


Let's not have this dirty politics. Every channel is already feeding this crap to the people.

Anyway, we all used to be under the same roof.


And yet it is disgusting that we have all been robbed, divided and dominated

We need to create programs to respond quickly and gather people in agreed locations.

I am talking about Ukraine where people are more passionate.

There is no such nation as Ukrainians. There was a people living at the Edge of our country.
There is no such nation as Ukrainians. There was a people living at the Edge of our country.
Thick throw-in :) and also a violation of forum rules :)
Thick throw-in :), and a violation of forum rules at that :)

That's for nothing. The more people know about their roots and understand national issues, the fewer problems there will be.

Let me explain. On the territory of the USSR lived basically one Slavic nationality - Russians. This nationality has 3 numerous ethnic groups: the Little Russians, the White Russians and the Great Russians.

It is advisable to know this to avoid inter-ethnic problems.

Typical scoop.
There is no such nation as Ukrainians. There was a nation living at the edge of our country.

That's right, nationality is not determined by the name of the territory where you live. Otherwise, you could get to nationality by flat number. It would be so funny: I have nationality No. 13 :-)))


That's for nothing. The more people know about their roots and understand national issues, the fewer problems there will be.

Let me explain. On the territory of the USSR lived basically one Slavic nationality - Russians. This nationality has 3 numerous ethnic groups: the Little Russians, the White Russians and the Great Russians.

It is desirable to know this in order to avoid interethnic problems.

Russians are Mordva and Chud ... (taken from the classic).

but in Ukraine there is a much greater percent of Slavs


...Nationality is not a product of human creativity, it cannot be invented or consciously created. Nationality is realized only after the fact and only as a given lends itself to reflection. However, this reflexion itself has to be intuitive and mystical since the true essence of a nation is transcendent and is a noumen. As for empirical means, only the phenomenal side of the life of a nation, i.e. its cultural activity, peculiarities of the character of its individual members, etc., is accessible. But phenomenological cognition also has a great value; it helps the primary mystical "instinct" of nationality to gain sightedness of reason. The unconscious instinct becomes a conscious intuition, which is experienced "as a certain deep, mystical attraction to his people, as love, not in the meager, moralistic sense of rationalist ethics (as Tolstoy had, for example), but in a mystical sense, as a kind of eros, giving birth to the wings of the soul, as finding ourselves in union with others, the experience of conciliarity, the real escape from self...

... The very notion of the nation is quite malleable and historically conditioned. The nation can appear and disappear, it can expand within vast empires, it can also be understood within the boundaries of all mankind, as any kind is connected with mankind by its roots, bound by "holistic Adam" [2, 648]. Thus, humanity is the product of the organic development of nations. "Citizenship of the world, all-humanity is not at all the abolition of the nation, on the contrary, it is its highest age" [2, 649], Bulgakov asserts.

MPs of Ukraine's Party of Regions have submitted to parliament a draft law that would equalize the rights of the Russian language in 13 regions of the country with those of the Ukrainian language. The draft law "On the foundations of state language policy" will give Ukrainian minority languages the right to function on a par with the state language.

Russians are Mordva and Chud... (taken from the classics)

But in Ukraine there is a much greater percentage of Slavs


...Nationality ... states Bulgakov.

The big expert on the national question was Stalin (a practitioner, as opposed to the theoretical chatterbox emigrant losers). He was categorically against the division of Russia into artificial formations called "brotherly republics". But at the time it was a way out, to preserve a largely territorial integrity torn apart by civil war parties and national currents (+really a "time bomb" on the collapse in the end).

p.s. i can imagine what liberals will say about the independence of scotland and Northern ireland - so you can rejoice and congratulate each other with "independence" as much as you like - but the stupidity and incompetence ("my house is on the edge") will not be less.