Is any prediction doomed? - page 40

sanyooooook: What have honest people arrived at, is forecasting possible or not?

Yes it is possible, but the question of profitability of forecasting has not yet been asked


yes it is possible, but the question of profitability of forecasting has not yet been raised

80/20 okay?

- is it possible to predict?


- is profitable forecasting possible?

- It is possible!

yosuf: Is 80/20 okay?
hm, Yusuf, you should understand by now that nothing is constant in the market, even the profit/loss ratio changes over time, if there were stable TS that always worked with the same sequence of profitable and losing trades, then even a first grader would be able to figure out that by using martingale you can always be in profit

- is it possible to predict?


- is profitable forecasting possible?

- Quite possible, just as quite impossible!

With that mindset it's hard to change your mind, of course there are risks in predicting, but as they say .... doesn't drink -. oe.

- is profitable forecasting possible?

- It is quite possible that it is possible!

Now all that remains is to determine the extent of this possibility)), both the former and the latter.

Although, the bare word "possible" itself implies a very low probability. And "possible" multiplied by "possible" is a pittance altogether.

jelizavettka: Now all that remains is to determine the extent to which this opportunity is complete.)
What's there to determine? Statistics showed a long time ago that 97% of forecasters lose their deposits, and only 3% do not make forecasts, but develop TS and trade

I agree that profitable forecasting is possible, but you have to forecast the right things.

Is it possible to predict a random process?(Question for mathematicians). I think the answer is: if a shooter hits his target 75% of the time, he will score about 7-8 points out of 10 possible, presumably.

Can we call this a prediction?

What is there to determine? Statistics have long shown that 97% of forecasters lose their deposits, and only 3% do not make forecasts, but develop TS and trade

And skeptics claim that 3% are free (I'm not a skeptic). By the way, of these 97% ...5% are engaged in teaching and conducting seminars and master classes on historical data))
hm, Yusuf, well you should already understand that nothing is constant in the market, even the profit/loss ratio changes over time, if there were stable TS that would always work with the same sequence of profitable and loss-making trades, then even a first-grader would be able to figure out that by using martingale you can always be in profit
You are right, but we should not give up in the face of this market, we must show the ability to resist this element, let the market submit to the will of the people who created it! I have found the formula for profit depending on the selling price of the goods, the trade mark-up. the quantity of goods sold and income, I will also find the forex key.