Is any prediction doomed? - page 35

Nah, it's just FAGOTT "shot himself."
Bullshit, he'll be back. The other one. It'll be TROMBON or Balalaika.

So, where have all the opponents gone?

A list of references, for those who are really interested in starting to deal with this difficult issue.

Klein M. Mathematics. Loss of Certainty - Reflections on the history of mathematics, its contradictions, and its present state - very clearing of the belief in omnipotence, etc.

Bernstein, P. Against the Gods: Taming Risk - An excellent overview of the history of probability theory (with a bias towards risk), early attempts to formulate and use it, and the arguments of the founding fathers. There's also about modernity, but there you have to weigh it all up carefully and think it through.

All in all, both books are challenging, so good luck to everyone.

I read the first book, but a long time ago. Thanks for the second one, I've already found it.

It seems to me that if you replace the word "Predict" with the word "estimate the probability of achievement" (for example), it would not be so bleak.

It's not an evil thing to do if you do it continuously.

The evil (and SWINOZAVR is right again) is not in the indicator but in its interpretation...


- I will!



It seems to me that if you replace the word "PREVENT" with the word "estimate the probability of achievement" (for example), it would not be so bleak.

Reaching what? Some level of price? It seems to me that even this is an impossible task. It's easier for me, I predict the direction, up/down, the accuracy is about 60-80%. 60 - we don't lose, 80 - we earn.
When you reach what? A certain price level? It seems to me that even this is an impossible task.

Yeah, it's unbearable.


It's easier for me, I predict the direction, up/down, with an accuracy of about 60-80%. 60 - we don't lose, 80 - we earn.

Up or down? Is there a limited order lifetime or something else - when to close it?


Up/Down? Is the lifetime of the order limited or else - when to close?

The direction is predicted all the time, interpreting the results of this prediction either flips or crumbs

Send me your grail I can not wait to try it, as I become a millionaire will throw 100000 rubles or quid.
Lucifer, you don't get it: you're only guaranteed a state.

yosuf, you sometimes surprise me with your statements. Believe me, I respect people with academic degrees. And while I myself have only a modest Bachelor's degree in Technical Sciences and it's not my place to argue with a PhD, but I'll still take the nerve. I myself would gladly do science instead of forex bullshit, if science is not in deep shit in Russia. I couldn't agree more that there is no such thing as "enough" for a normal person. It doesn't exist for the modern "consumer" economy, but I don't belong to it. And it doesn't have long to live, I suspect a year or so. Think about it.

Is there half a year left to the end of the basket? Are they going to take away the last thing from the people - the basket of food on which they cannot live, but which also does not allow them to die.