[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 199


I don't understand the question? my charts are always with me and zulu are just monitoring - copying trades. (they don't have any charts)

TRUTHWATCH CLUB (based on...)


pathfinder club


In ancient times there was a Firebird in our woods - near it at night it was as bright as in the daytime and even made nests, in our village it is called Graal (hereinafter simply Graal). There is a legend that the one who catches the grail does not need to work! Since no one wants to work, everyone wants to catch the bird. Of course, a year can be different, sometimes they forget about it and work peacefully, and sometimes a year - they see a light in the forest (a car gets lost, hunters pass by) and leave everything run to catch the grail.

There was a case when a man brought a bird excrement from the forest and said: "It is from the grail! Everyone started laughing, and he said: "Why are you laughing? It glows in the dark!

They looked and it's glowing! What happened? The whole village ran to to sell it. And the man says: "I won't sell, I'll show it for dough! The dough came (they don't want to work either) - it turned out to be the wrong kind of dough...

All sorts of scientists with academic degrees and various devices arrived from the city. They were scanning spectra, putting them into machines. They put shit in the machine and it comes out the same, but the pile gets smaller and smaller. So one guy says: give me (18) grams, I need exactly (18) grams? They say to him: - Get out of here!

The guy checked everything and was told: - there is nothing, and he said: - But it glows in the dark! - It does glow, but there's nothing! Little man: - Well, I can show you for a fee, right? :-?

And then an old man explained everything: - "Why are you guessing that owl's shit? - why is it glowing? Grandpa: - that's right, an owl is a nocturnal bird, and it glows in order not to get into its own shit. : )))).

Whoever has purchased 18 grams has the opportunity to turn it into 18 c.u.
Whoever has purchased 18 grams has the opportunity to turn it into 18 c.u.

Art requires sacrifice! (no offence - nothing personal)
Whoever has purchased 18 grams has the opportunity to turn it into 18 c.u.

Dangerous game, though. 50/50, especially in the beginning. you can lose like that. but friendship wins. and you're on the plus side. kudos.
But you probably won't let me test one of those things. Am I right?

It's a dangerous game, though. 50/50, especially in the beginning. you can lose like that, of course. but friendship wins. and you're on the plus side. respect.
Thank you, I mean that the possibilities (18) are far from exhausted, note the absence of SL and TP.
But you probably won't let me test one of those things. Am I right?
Why not, if you promise to get serious about it.

Well, I just glimpsed the installation. so honestly did not show much attention (very sleepy, just waiting for the opening, and surprisingly Gap was not).

My plan to do serious work, if you mean programming, then sadly my knowledge is very far (I still consider myself a dummy), and I'm still in search of his strategy game (although to be honest the market was not as difficult as I thought, and sooner or later, you'll still be in the +, you just need to be patient) and learn to identify pivot points (so far this is a problem, can not find patterns).

the question is if you can't find the pattern yet.

my imho. too much effort goes into this kind of training, and if you imagine that there are many and not all worthy of attention, not enough life. and yet it is short.

All right, time to call it a day. kudos to you for trying it out in the hope of getting it right ................


I'll do my part too.