[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 194


Technically, growth. And practically, you'd have to ask Margarita.

there's already six hours left. So it's up to Benya to decide. The main thing is to make sure that next week after Beni the intirg.

Germany to be defined by the euro - Merkel cancels visit to Russia


Germany to be defined by the euro - Merkel cancels visit to Russia

It's not that it will be determined. It's just that there is pressure on her from all sides, that she is screwing the citizens of her country (already in 2014 there will be no deficit in budget and no tax cuts) and trying to help other countries by all means. Plus Kohl, who is Helmut, is also riding her, that she has no foreign policy whatsoever. She was and is his protégé, so to speak. So she cancelled, elections are coming up, no time to go to Russia, she has to save her ass and her party.
The raw material solves the problem either way )
sugar to)))) everyone wants a sweet life))))
sugar to)))) everyone wants a sweet life))))
it's too late to buy and too early to sell ))
Here's the euro being held, and...