Interesting and humorous - page 233


The MERCANS are trying to defeat the law of conservation of energy by installing generators in water pipes

We should also give them the idea of putting wind turbines on planes.

And that's the thing about the pipe, if it's directed upwards.
And about the tube, it's a topic if it's directed upwards.
If 5 tonnes of flies take off at the same time in a flying plane, will the centre of mass of the plane fly lower?
And about the pipe, it's a topic if it's directed to a chimney.
It seems more plausible to me: we have an intermediate substation, it has equipment that needs electricity. In order not to pull wires (probably far away + extra dependence on third parties), we take some energy from the water current.
It seems more plausible to me: we have an intermediate substation with equipment that needs electricity. In order not to pull wires (probably far away + extra dependence on third parties), we take some energy from the water current.
Now they will start talking about the heat pump. Although it does exist. And some cities are fully heated with it. Heat is taken from the cold sea.

You can always get something out of the temperature difference (it's not pulling gas out of the ground)

p.s. Nice to see you in this thread ))))

Don't suck up,Vinin doesnot fall for such cheap tricks and will not hesitate to ban you if you start interpreting the events happening in your country in a Russophobic spirit again.
As for the pipe, it's a great idea if it were to be directed

You're thinking! Then you have an analytical brain, if the thought came to you.

...........................B Hydroelectric power plant technology is called a "pressure unit":

There, at the top, the outlet canal from the river dam ends (I catch fish from time to time),

and below (not pictured) is the generator hall. Four generators with a total capacity of 9.44 MW.

There is barely enough electricity to light the city now, and in the 1950s it brought industrialization to the region.

GaryKa 16.12.2014 00:20 # 

 Всю иронию и дебилизм ситуации можно увидеть хотя бы в том, что на форуме, который 
как бы между прочим связан немного с финансами нет ни одного поста с обсуждением 
текущего положения творящягося на рос. рынках, зато полно свежих постов с псевдонаучным 
бредом в соседних ветках, где живо обсуждаются тенденции по мажорным парам.

Роскомнадзор зашугал или ... доходит?

Hello friend! Since our forum is related to finance, can we discuss the current situation on the Ukrainian markets? The pseudo-scientific posts are getting in my throat.


- How are you doing?

- How's the old tank...

- ?

- The muzzle is standing and there's no one to fight with.
khorosh: Бан. Быстро. Развиваются.

Scientists in Australia have printed the world's largest solar cells