Interesting and humorous - page 231


I think one professor at an economics university in the US used this example.

A wealthy businessman comes to a small backwater town in the States. He decides to stay in a hotel. But first he decides to check out the rooms. As a sign of seriousness, he left 100 quid as a deposit to the hotel owner, and he went downstairs. The owner of the hotel grabbed the hundred quid and quickly took it to the owner of the truck, who owed him money for the transport service and who refused to deliver the food to him. The owner of the truck ran to the prostitute who owed him money and she refused to pay him. The prostitute took the money and took it to the owner of the hotel, whom she owed for the rent of the room and he would not let her in. The owner of the hotel did not have time to rejoice at the returned quid when a client came down and said he did not like it, took away his 100 quid and left. As a result, no one lost anything (the customer got his money back) and no one owes anyone else.

What is this financial transaction called?


I think one professor at an economics university in the US used this example.

A wealthy businessman comes to a small backwater town in the States. He decides to stay in a hotel. But first he decides to check out the rooms. As a sign of seriousness, he left 100 quid as a deposit to the hotel owner, and he went downstairs. The owner of the hotel grabbed the hundred quid and quickly took it to the owner of the truck, who owed him money for the transport service and who refused to deliver the food to him. The owner of the truck ran to the prostitute who owed him money and she refused to pay him. The prostitute took the money and took it to the owner of the hotel, whom she owed for the rent of the room and he would not let her in. The owner of the hotel did not have time to rejoice at the returned quid when a client came down and said he did not like it, took away his 100 quid and left. As a result, no one lost anything (the customer got his money back) and no one owes anyone else.

What is this financial transaction called?

A netting operation.

I think one professor at an economics university in the USA used this example.

..........The truck owner ran to a prostitute he had borrowed money from and she had already turned him down and paid her off ....................

What is this financial transaction called?

Tell us more about the prostitute.
Tell us more about pimping.
Pimping is punishable.
Mutual offsetting.
I forgot myself. But the point is to give short-term money so that this netting can take place. To eliminate the crisis is not a payment.

As long as the customer has not bought the product, he should not give any money.

P.S. fantasy - it's called. (Actually, I think it's a big conspiracy that logic has been abolished at school for a long time.)

The client has nothing to do with it, the bank gives a short (a few minutes) loan to his client, provided that the accounts of his counterparties are opened at the same bank. The scheme was implemented in Russia in the second half of the 90s by Mr Lifshitz through offices, which people have nicknamed "braschiks". I am waiting for it to be implemented again in Ukraine this year.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?
I myself have forgotten. But the point is to give short-term money to make this offsetting happen. Eliminate the crisis with no payments.

Issue-and-loan financing of the solvency deficit in the financial system may lead not only to an overstatement of interest rates and a build-up of the debt burden, but also to a significant drain on liquid resources (the prostitute will stop giving...and so on). As a consequence, the elimination of natural netting and sustainable debt borrowing only accelerate the default of the entire financial and economic scheme and contribute to a significant outflow of capital (the prostitute will move abroad, etc.). The way out of the economic and financial crisis is complicated, multifaceted, and requires a state-planned and systematic approach. It consists of regulating the monetary and creditpolicy, organizing insurance in the real economy, creating conditions for attracting foreign capital, and so on. In aggregate, the above measures will lead to an increase in production (for example, the prostitute will give more often) and the elimination of the deficit of financial capital.


Today is Dignity and Freedom Day!

With a moment's silence, let us stand in honour of all the innocently banned and untimely departed. The remains of their bright nicknames rest in the great expanse of the Web.

Let us hope and believe that they see us and, like birds of paradise, chirp carefree and happily on other branches of the Great Tree.

Our task is not to forget their exploits and pass on their memory to future generations of the Great Tree, so that our descendants become smarter, more beautiful and more perfect by their example. So that our descendants will never again have to pay the immeasurable price of Dignity and Freedom.


The MERCANS are trying to defeat the law of conservation of energy by installing generators in water pipes

We should also give them the idea of putting wind turbines on planes.