[ARCHIVE] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 3. - page 393


You didn't say when to drop the flags.

Ha... So there were no terms and conditions on when to drop the flags... :)

You can do it right after you open a position, you can do it after you close a position, or... Can I not guess? :)


Figured it out - it was a 401 version terminal and there was no way it could update to 409 at once...

Put the software on this (third) terminal - everything works and tests.

"Run test in visualisation mode of third cov on third terminal - tested fine...".


Figured it out - it was a 401 version terminal and there was no way it could update to 409 at once...

Put the software on this (third) terminal - everything works and tests.

"Run test in visualisation mode of third cov on third terminal - tested fine...".

So manual update on the second one

So, hand update the second one.

Thank you Victor. After another run - updated automatically to version 409. Now it's free. I'm working on a new one in a different terminal.

Try connecting the "standard" Kim I.V.'s definition of closing the last order on the takeaway...

Thank you!!!

Hello everyone, I can't figure out where to start

I need to find the last candle if it is the right one. I should make a condition to search for a candle, while only a white one is checked the lower shadow should be no more than 20% and the upper one no more than 30% of the total range, a TM Day condition has been created but I do not understand how to make it into a script.

All calculations are here (and my guess):

double procent,top_ten,bottom_ten;

procent= 100/(High-Low); // find how much 1 point will weigh in % of High and Low

// find the upper shadow in percents


// find the lower shadow in percents


// condition of checking if the candlestick is suitable for us

if ((top_ten*procent)<30) check the upper shadow


if ((bottom_ten*procent)<20)

Alert("Ok") ;


// then I plan to make the condition to enable the script to understand first which candle it is



// first code body from above




The body of the second script is the same as the first with a different condition


// essentially the future needs to bring the analysis back by 5 candlesticks, if any, to report it to me.

I dont understand syntax, I dont understand how to work with variables HiGH LOW OPEN CLOSE, and make it work on DAYS AND 5 DAYS in advance)

Thanks in advance...


...........I've seen a non-standard masdI somewhere that has peaks and troughs of prices that match the crossing of the ZERO LINE INDICATOR, NOT the peaks and troughs of an indikator. if anyone has seen one, please send me the link and a message in the mail.


Hello all, can you tell me where to start?


Thanks in advance...

Try to insert your codes through SRC (there is a button at the top of the text box) Find it and use it. It will make it easier to read your posts.

Note your search for shadows (top_ten=High-Close;). Why do you subtract Close and not Open? Think about it.

        int KK,Minimum=10000;
 for ( i=OrdersTotal();i>0;i--){ OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS );if( OrderMagicNumber( )==2000 &&OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
      {KK= NormalizeDouble(   (((Ask+Bid)/2)-OrderOpenPrice( )) /Point,0);
      if (KK< Minimum)                     
         Minimum = KK;     // Alert("Minimum1 ",Minimum , " KK ",KK);

if (Minimum==10000) Minimum=000;
if (Minimum>40){J=NormalizeDouble((Minimum/40),0);C=0;}


int KKK,Minimumm=10000;
 for ( i=OrdersTotal();i>0;i--){ OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS );if( OrderMagicNumber( )==1000 &&OrderSymbol()==Symbol())
     {KKK= NormalizeDouble( (OrderOpenPrice( )-  ((Ask+Bid)/2)) /Point,0);
      if (KKK< Minimumm)                     
         Minimumm = KKK;     // Alert("Minimum1 ",Minimum , " KK ",KK);

if (Minimumm==10000) Minimumm=000;
if (Minimumm>40){M=NormalizeDouble((Minimumm/40),0);C=0;}


Good evening!!! I have decided to write how to calculate the distance from the price to the nearest order above, and the nearest below. I count up to each order, going through the loop forwards and out of all this I choose the minimum number. Well, this turns out to be such a load of crap! Well, okay, the distance turns out sometimes great, 1162 points or more, I'm almost 100% sure well can not, well, okay! But if you divide 1162 by 40, that's four...

And it does come out, look at the log screenshot, there are exactly M equals 4, there in the line after the X+++ ...... I don't get it. Either I'm a moron or I don't understand the normalize double function... I don't get it! Or what? ...... Please tell me, I'm totally confused and am amazed!!!!

I didn't make up any scripts, that's about how I see it.
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
  { double Telo,Verhnij_Hvostyk,Niznij_Hvostyk ;
         for(int i=1;i<6;i++){
  Telo= Open[i]-Close[i];if (Telo>0) return(0);//Белая? Если ни белая,то выходим!
  if (Telo>0)  { Verhnij_Hvostyk=High[i]-Open[i];  Niznij_Hvostyk= Close[i]-Low[i];}
  if  (Verhnij_Hvostyk/High[i]-Low[i]>2/10)
  if  (Niznij_Hvostyk/High[i]-Low[i]>3/10)

Of course, I haven't checked, but it should work. Yes, there is a condition in brackets after if, write it down if you really want to use it somehow.

For loop picks candlesticks one by one from the beginning, the one that is still drawing has index o, the one that is already drawn one, and so on, go through each candlestick using variable and and for loop.