[ARCHIVE] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 3. - page 246

Think about your answer... Or do the test results differ by an order of magnitude?
Over a day by 160 units of currency (97 pips). Or rather he has 0, I have 160.
I'll withdraw the question for now - some of the problems were solved when we exchanged the history of the quotes. Why they were not identical is also unclear.
 string   Obj_Name_Oposite=StringSetChar( Obj_Name,  StringLen( Obj_Name) , 1); 

The last character in Obj_Name should be replaced by 1, but I must not be formulating it correctly.Please correct meif you can. Maybe you can't put function into function?

Thank you all, I'm relieved : )))

 string   Obj_Name_Oposite=StringSetChar( Obj_Name, StringLen( Obj_Name)-1 , '1')


I can't figure out how to make the lines display, either by this script or by pushing away from this script, or maybe I'm wrong:

        double PriceBid = Bid;
        double PriceAsk = Ask;
        double be = GetWeightedBELevel();

        if(be != -1)
                double BuyLots = GetBuyLotsSum();
                double SellLots = GetSellLotsSum();
                double Swap = GetSwap();
                //string str = be + " ";
                if(Swap < 0)
                        double diff = BuyLots - SellLots;
                        //str = str + MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE) * diff + " " + (-Swap / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE) * diff) * Point) + " ";
                        be += ND(-Swap / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE) * diff) * Point + diff / MathAbs(diff) * 1 * Point);
                //str = str + Swap + " " + be;
                if((BuyLots > SellLots && ND(PrevPriceBid) < ND(be + TakeProfitBuy * Point) && ND(PriceBid) >= ND(be + TakeProfitBuy * Point)) ||
                        (BuyLots < SellLots && ND(PrevPriceAsk) > ND(be - TakeProfitSell * Point) && ND(PriceAsk) <= ND(be - TakeProfitSell * Point)))

i.e. when this price reaches this level, the orders are closed, and i want to see this price on the chart as a line or a small record in a square and with a dash.

guide me in the right direction

Good evening.Help find a variable moving average (VMA), i.e. unlike EMA, price smoothing occurs depending on volatility in the market. With strong volatility, more value is gained by the latest data.Thanks in advance.
Good evening. I made a simple script, the task of which is to draw a fibover on the chart, change the value of the second level and assign a new description to this level. The fan is created, but the level value does not change and a new description is not assigned. I think I am doing everything correctly (there are only three lines in the script), but it just won't work. Please advise if anyone has encountered something similar.
int start()

Good evening. I made a simple script whose task is to draw a fibover on the chart, change the value of the second level and assign a new description to this level. The fan is created, but the level value does not change and a new description is not assigned. I think I am doing everything correctly (there are only three lines in the script), but it just won't work. Please advise if anyone has encountered something similar.
int start()
{ double z[]={0.382,1.25,0.618}; string t[]={"38.2","NewLevel","61,8"};
   for(int i=0;i<3;i++)

Why didn't you notice my question?

When I open the zar/jpy currency pair, it is loaded from January 1, 2009. And I need to analyse it starting at least from 2000! When I try to load it through the quotes archive, I get a message that there is no new data. And the same with other "exotic" currency pairs! Are they really gone???


Why didn't you notice my question?

When I open the zar/jpy currency pair, it is loaded from January 1, 2009. And I need to analyse it starting at least from 2000! When I try to load it through the quotes archive, I get a message that there is no new data. And the same with other "exotic" currency pairs! Are they really gone???

Ask your broker's tech support about the maximum depth of history provided for a particular instrument... that's all.
In a day's time by 160 units of currency (97 pips). Or rather, he has 0, I have 160.

That's awesome!!! 97 pips... Less than 10 pips.

How many orders were opened in the tester that day?