Formalising common approaches to trading - page 26

I'd better give you a link, because the battery in my laptop is running low, and the outlet is not available nearby. I'm afraid I will not have time to tell myself )

Well, it's again, what everyone knew before, and how it is not clear.

I am interested in the specific rules of their game, it is unclear how they earn by providing liquidity and narrowing the spread, it is mathematically no longer profitable, I am interested in the volumes as a percentage of the total turnover, etc.

I have tried to find the answers from time to time before, but I have not found them, all I got was phrases.


This is the price coming from the consortium, conglomerate of banks, super.math. comp etc., and this price will draw what they want. And where is the crowd moving the market? There isn't one. Right?
the price will stand still as long as there is supply and demand at that level, i.e., the same amount is bought and sold.

- if the price needs to be raised, we have to buy all products available at that level and ask for more. since there are no more offers to sell, in order to satisfy the buyers with this excess, we have to buy products above the level where the next offers are, and so the price will go up until the excess of demand fails.
the price will stand still as long as there is supply and demand at that level, i.e., the same amount is bought and sold.

- if the price needs to be raised, we have to buy all the goods on this level and ask for more, but since there are no more offers to sell, in order to satisfy the buyer with this oversupply, we must buy at a higher level where the next offers are, and so the price will go up until the oversupply is not finished.
Why doesn't it ever stop?

I've tried to find answers from time to time before, but haven't found any, it's all generic phrases.

You won't find any - I'm telling you the crowd can't make trends, but they fucking do - there are kickbacks and the crowd does it, as they say "shake out the passengers".
Well, you won't find it - I'm telling you that the crowd can't make trends, but they fucking do - there are kickbacks and the crowd does it, as they say "shake out the passengers".

Well I have a different view, but I will not argue, now I am interested in mm

The trend is in any case the result of the crowd. It's a medical fact, but you have to count the crowd not in keyboards, but in money.

and why it never stands
Because there is a demand and a supply, so they go back and forth to satisfy everyone.
Mischek: ZZY The trend is in any case the result of the crowd. We should count the trend in money and not in keyboards.

Mikhail, tell me, how can a crowd purposefully carry out actions without a responsive leadership? As long as I served in the army, if you leave young people unattended, it's all over! Either they lose property, or have adventures, but there is no efficiency in service. And if you leave a sergeant with the young men, you'll forget about problems and it will turn out that the young men wanted to learn a couple of articles of the regulations.

If you want, let's batting for a hundred people, see how many percent in what direction, you yourself have taught me in this thread - that closing a position is tantamount to opening a reverse position - if I want to sell, then there will be "lout" who wants to buy, but with the closing of positions - there's gloom.If I'm in profit, it means there is something that wants to take my profit and I'm losing it, especially if something has already taken my deposit and I want it to compensate to a profit trader...


Mikhail, tell me, how can a crowd purposefully carry out actions without a responsive leadership? As long as I served in the army, if you leave the youth without supervision - all is guard! They will either lose property, or have adventures, but there is nothing effective in the service. And if you leave a sergeant with the young men, you'll forget about problems and it will turn out that the young men wanted to learn a couple of articles of the regulations.

If you want, let's batting for a hundred people, see how many percent in what direction, you yourself have taught me in this thread - that closing a position is tantamount to opening a reverse position - if I want to sell, then there will be "lout" who wants to buy, but with the closing of positions - there's gloom...... Well, no one wants to fix his losses if I'm in profit, so there is something that can and wants to take profits at a loss, especially if something has already taken my deposit for its own use to cover a profit trader...

I told you I am not going to argue and prove it. It's a very long time.

I wonder what instrument you want to bet on. If on a non-existent one, the purity of the experiment is equal to zero. If the existing one, the closed market will not work, everyone will watch the real quotes.


The trend is in any case the result of the crowd. It's a medical fact, but you have to count the crowd in money, not in keyboards.

The crowd does not create trends, but profits for MM, even if individual elements of the crowd have a lot of money.


That is the price coming from a consortium, a conglomerate of banks, a super.math. comp etc and that price will draw what they want.

Arbitrageurs will write the bad word "equity curve" in return.

And where is the crowd moving the market? there is none. Right?


and why is it never worth

Because you don't have a proper source of data.


If you want, let's batting for a hundred people, let's see how many percent in what direction, you yourself have taught me in this thread - that closing a position is tantamount to the opening of a reverse position - if I want to sell, it means there is a "sucker" who wants to buy, and here with the closing of a position - there is no way out...... well, no one wants to fix his losses if I'm in profit, so there is something that can and wants to take my profits at a loss, luckily something has already taken my deposit to cover the losses of any profitable trader...

All these are your assumptions, in reality all operations are inverted and equivalent, there is no factor of unwillingness to close losses at the global level.