TA or something you don't know about. - page 15

What is TA?
Technically, it is a market analysis based on data coming into the exchange terminal.
That is, it is usually a standard price formula for a bar (OHLC), volumes and ticks (only ticks for Forex), open interest (for options), the cup, the current volumes of supply and demand for the instrument and some others, which will not be considered here.
These, as you will say, are already known. Not really. There are two main frictions with the public here:
1. Many people only call TA what is included as indicators in their trading terminal. But, say, neuro-systems are not. Or, for example, FFT makes people feel that they have looked beyond what is provided to them for observation.
Or TA only what was pre-19X. Archaeologists, my ass.))
No. The definition is perfectly clear. TA is anything that uses your terminal's quote stream for analysis, which requires no linguistic parsing.
No news, no predictions from rabid analysts on CNBC, RBC and other porn channels, no opinions from forum authorities etc.
2. Another point, which is more likely from illiteracy (just do not know the meaning of the word - analysis). TA is understood by some as a system of predictions. This is CATEGORICALLY not so!
Let me explain. The tools of analysis exist not to predict, but to understand what is happening and what a skilled observer can do about it. Now here is what to do.
Examples. The thermometer, speedometer, caliper are all analytical tools and they in no way guarantee you : reaching thermal death, increasing penis size and reaching 2nd cosmic speed.

So - let's agree at the outset! - To say that TA doesn't work is to sign away your complete inadequacy and trolleymania. // I don't believe the ruler's readings!!! )))


I hope the terminological and methodological principles are clear enough for there to be a follow up.


The sequel, however, will be this:
Before engaging in the game, it's a good idea to understand what the game is all about? Or, to put it another way, what is the context? That's what TA is for. Let's go into more detail...

To be cntd...

That's where I'll start next time...

So it is clear and I agree with it that TA is not a forecast, but an evaluation of the current situation for making one or another decision. TA enables us only to understand the market (evaluate its properties for making further decisions) - to bring it into view convenient for our perception by means of TA, and to make visible for our consciousness certain market properties that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Consequently all discussion about TA should be reduced only to this kind - how to calculate this or that information in this or that formula should be faster, better calculation algorithms, advantages and disadvantages of algorithms and methods of calculation and measurement, etc. The more interesting question is who knows what properties of the market and from what data these properties are obtained. And TA is just a mathematical (or some other) transformation of this property into a convenient form for further analysis.

Now, seriously.

Why do I need this? The general humanitarian aspect.

It is strange and painful for me to see our brothers in the budgetary mind in such a disgraceful state. I do not want to believe that it is them who are so penitent. But who?!

My horns are starting to itch and my hooves are peeling. I have made no effort to do so! Maybe I'm not needed at all? ))) You self-learners...

You guys. Shame on you for letting yourselves go to such an extent! At least give me something to put in my piggy bank!


Analysis is the determination of properties, any properties that can only be determined.

If we can identify properties in the past, present or with a certain probability in the future, we do it!

Technical analysis does just that.

The author of this thread seems to have an internal logical conflict and a loss of self-control.

Stop expanding the mind with dangerous stimulants and then all this may be over...

There you go.if we can identify properties in the past, present and know that they have a periodicity, then we can judge the future with a degree of probability. i am thinking of making a thread on such properties and how to identify them at all....
Yeah, I can just see it. "Moon in 5th house, Capricorn in Jupiter, 3rd lunar day, that's it, dear editor, you're on your own," said the drunken astrologer and fell over with a wild snore.
He was gone. There could be no Capricorn in Jupiter. On the contrary, still there. Then again, I don't know what the moon day is about, but in principle the quid should be short and the euro should be bought if I remember correctly. :)))
As a result of the analysis there should be a decision: BuySell=?(+1, -1, 0). Otherwise what's the point of doing the analysis?

Here - this is closer to the subject, what is the result... :-)))

The TA itself (in its pure form - without any results) is a study (establishing regularities in the dynamics of market price changes) of the behaviour of market instruments - see here for details.

And, let's ask Peter (the definitions specialist): "What is the meaning and result of TA(in its pure form)?"

Answer: "Achieving enlightenment (as in meditation) is not an option. :-)))

P.S. It's like the topic's starter Ava has again put on "God's armor"... What's that all about? :-)))


"What is the meaning and result of TA being conducted(in its purest form)?"

MetaDriver: There is one profound subtlety for which I will insist: true analysis is WITHOUT purpose.

Seems true, but, imho, only when building a trading system.

I am doing something similar at the moment. I'm meditating on the intermediate results of the statistical study and wondering what to do with them so that they can make an adequate technical synthesis (TechS), i.e. recommendations for a trading decision. But this is not a goal, but a meta-goal. And there is no clear goal yet, because I don't know what the outcome will be.

On the other hand, one of the signs of a developed mind is the ability to give individual aspects/characteristics of the phenomenon in question a proper name - so that it is easier to operate with them in the future. This is a real economy of mind.


One sign of a developed mind is the ability to give a proper name to individual aspects/characteristics of the phenomenon in question

Is that what you mean? :)

Igor, I didn't ask you that.
I'm sorry if I misunderstood or hurt you, I interrupted my thought as usual (I'm not very good at explaining things) - I didn't write about money for bragging rights, I proved to myself once again that it's not the market's fault, it's just our way of doing things, I think I need to add psychological trainings to my trading list
The tools of analysis are not there to predict, but to understand what is happening and what a skilled observer can do about it .

So - let's agree at the outset! - To say that TA doesn't work is to sign up for complete inadequacy and trolleymania.

So how do you understand what is happening and what exactly to do about it? Do you have specific patterns (TAs) that work in support of your hypothesis?
IgorM: Do you mean it? :)

+100500 to Orloff! Thank you too for the link!

Well, I think I went a little too far with proper name. Of course, a proper name doesn't have to be a proper name. But the main idea is correct: to distinguish.