TA or something you don't know about. - page 6


measuring? I thought the price was the object of measurement in both cases.
The FA has not seen your price and does not want to know it. So it is.
Question for you personally? Does the VA give a prognosis?
It does, if you ask correctly.

1. What is analysis without purpose? (Contemplation...?)

2. even hospital tests have a purpose.

1. Something like this. "Analytical contemplation." (с)

2. The word "even" is totally inappropriate. What an example of productivity... :)

The FA has not seen your price and does not want to know it. How's that?

Then what does the sneaky FA analyse on the forex market? What the hell is it there for? I thought it was for price analysis...
So TA also gives, it's all about trends. Neither directly predicts either.
So TA also gives, it's all about trends. It doesn't predict either directly.
Do you know what sociology is?

in every thread like this, it's the same thing...

everyone has had such a successful experience, but for some reason the vast majority of them flush

That's not what we're talking about, the definition of TA

Most are unfamiliar with TA. (the majority! - it is not a statistic, it is not the truth and it is not a role model - it is a crowd driven in the right direction. by whom?)

1. yeah - meditation - for - meditation's sake, masturbation - for - masturbation's sake... :-)))

2. NONSENSE... Either give it together - your definition of TA.

1. Yeah.

2. I won't. :) Peter has a good, quality definition. I quite approve.


most are unfamiliar with TA. (the majority! - it's not a statistic, it's not a truth or an example to follow - it's a crowd driven in the right direction. by whom?)

Are you alluding to the existence of TA's secret teachings, accessible only to the HIGHLY SELECTED and FIRST-Level Enlightened?
Do you know what sociology is?
Oh, you're making the wrong analogy.