FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 111

Tactically, I would create my own European agencies, and carry out the opposite activities. in general, they (Europe) are weak, but they are in disarray .... they (Europe) are in disarray.
I told Stranger back on Sunday, the market inadequate reacts better to ratings than statistics, and Friday's stats are terrible, hence the barking, until the vote on external debt...
Tactically, I would create my own European agencies, and carry out the opposite activities. in general, they (Europe) are weak, but they are in disarray .... wobbling.

No way )))) They will be a rabble-rouser, the states are alone, while in Europe they have Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and China as a stop-gap, although China has the biggest stock of gold and no reserve currency.)
Yes ... let them come up with an idea ... let them do the same to their economy ... they thought they could compete with the Americans. (They will not come up with anything.)
They will get their turn, even in the United States. Sooner or later, they will have to respond. The banks that benefited from the crisis in 2008 have already drawn money from the treasury. Who could have thought of such a thing 2 years ago? Then will come the understanding that the ratings are not transparent and not equally fair to all market participants. Then they will be reminded of Lehman and the ratings of financial instruments consisting of non-performing loans and packaged in a pretty wrapper called "AAA, stable outlook".

Margaret, they are all American, when they say they will ban the ratings agencies should not be taken literally, in the snake language of PR, it means the message "they are lying", that way they are trying to neutralise the poisonous spit of the ratings for a while, what else are they to do, with the German speaking intelligently and the Greek -- a complete fool...
Honestly, I don't care what happens to the agencies or what events happen in the Eurozone and US... The main thing is to be aware of these events in time and react accordingly in my trading...

No way )))). There will be no agency and it will be a racket, the states are alone, while in Europe they have Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and China as a stop-gap, although China has the biggest stock of gold and no reserve currency of its own, not yet ;-).
I'm telling you, the head is not just for eating. You have to be creative.
Honestly, I don't care what happens to the agencies or what happens in the Eurozone and the US... The main thing is to be aware of these events in time and react accordingly in your trading...

China will launch the wrenches, that's what will happen. Divide and conquer! It seems to me that in the war between the Euro and the Dollar, China wants to restore parity while quietly gathering reserves, it has already announced to the world, like the father of the bride dowry, so we will soon be feeding not the Americans but the Chinese with an inflation tax...
It will come to them too, even in the US. Sooner or later they will have to answer. The banks that profited well from the crisis in 2008 have already pulled in to pay off the treasury. Who could have thought of such a thing 2 years ago? Then will come the understanding that the ratings are not transparent and not equally fair to all market participants. Then they will be reminded of Lehman and the ratings of financial instruments consisting of non-performing loans and packaged in a pretty wrapper called "AAA, stable outlook".

A thief will not catch his own hand and a crow will not pluck the crow's eye ;-)
The main thing is to know about these events in time and react accordingly in your trading...
Yeah, but we learn about them when everything has already passed, or when we need to pull volumes into the market, but alas, the practical benefits of news are only to remove orders in time so that the SL does not catch up
Honestly, I don't care what happens to the agencies or what happens in the Eurozone and the US... The main thing is to be aware of these events in time and react accordingly in my trading...

Margaret, sunshine, you have literally opened my eyes, how could I not have guessed right away...

Look, I've been asked here why everyone buys US notes. The last person who seriously asked this question and subsequently asked himself: "Why did I need it all?" (merrily walking to the scaffold) was Saddam Hussein. What the devil did he do: he said he knew how the financial world was organised and that he would fuck everything up, let him, there were always clowns enough: Castro, Chavez. His main mistake was to use his authority to get the Arabian sheikhs to sell oil for euros instead of dollars, but not for dollars...

Having bombed Libya, America took such a powerful tool as a tap, not from oil, but from the price of oil: they created a deficit in the market, and supposedly opened up reserves, while they themselves regulate the traffic.

So let the Germans boo the ratings, the Americans are now oil handing the situation.

Good people, if you don't mind, a nice graph of oil prices in the studio, a clock, please....