FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 82

You mean a kind of "denomination" of gold accounts?
Publication of stress test results (talk of a very successful one)...

Any pattern formed on a low TF has a form of a reversal movement on a high TF...

Not always. Rather a particular case of fractality.
Publication of stress test results (talk of a very successful one)...
Margaret, to be honest I really don't like triplets. And that these stress test results when the methodology is not known, and believe me - it is not known. I just saw last week in the SEC beluten (I don't know how to spell it in Russian) their arguments on gold, so I thought that's what you mean. I misunderstood, sorry.
Margaret, to be honest I really don't like triplets. And that these stress test results when the methodology is not known, and believe me - it is not known. I just saw their arguments on gold in last week's SEC whitepaper (I don't know how to spell it in Russian), so I thought that's what you were referring to. I got it wrong, sorry.
the results were known back in May, but were not published because they thought they did not reflect the real picture
On the crisis in Italy and beyond - Money in the Rain)
Eurozone finance ministers adjourned their meeting in Brussels after discussions revealed that proposals outlined for private sector participation in Greece's next bailout programme could face insurmountable obstacles.
the results were known back in May, but were not published because they were deemed not to reflect the real picture
Margaret, I'm not claiming your throne, honestly. Here I will tell you the course of my thoughts to make it clearer to you. I read the forum, and I read it from time to time, because there are people here who teach me algorithmic thinking. Last week I saw in reports that they want to decrease gold leverage one to one, i.e. in fact they want to minimize risks of anybody, i.e. at least to decrease 1 to 1 on accounts (while thinking, we should always remember that it is just gold accounts, and not gold in the accounts). And then we will see, I do not know why they are trying to return true value to the metal - apparently the washing has just begun.
Margaret, I have no claim to your throne, honestly. I will tell you my thought process to make it clearer to you. I read the forum, and I read it periodically, because there are people here, from whom I should learn algorithmic thinking. Last week I saw in reports that they want to decrease gold leverage one to one, i.e. in fact they want to minimize risks of anybody, i.e. at least to decrease 1 to 1 on accounts (while thinking, we should always remember that it is just gold accounts, and not gold in the accounts). Well, and then we will see, I myself do not know why they are trying to return true value to the metal - apparently the laundry has just begun.
SZS: That's why I asked you about 15 and asked for advice, not to get a kick out of something. I'm just not interested in gold - but you just forced - thoughts above.
ZS: that's why I asked you about 15, to seek your advice, not to get a kick out of something. I'm just not interested in gold - but you just forced it - thoughts above.
My reply was meant to fill in the 'tropes' that you don't like. I didn't imply otherwise. And about gold - that's a separate conversation...
My reply was meant to fill in the "three dots" that you don't like. I didn't imply otherwise. And about the gold is a separate conversation...
Well, what do you think of my thoughts while they're here? You mean there's no conversation about gold, or is it as if there's no gold anymore?