FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 80


Let's wait until the end of the week, there's no use shaking the air now)))
July 15 to be exact

Better the Aussie dollar -- it's just starting to fall there now...
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out...
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out.

Thank you too, I put a hold on this pair - there are a lot of diverters in the week...
More precisely on July 15

Well, it is still logical to assume that something will shoot to buy. But till that moment it might be at 1.3760

By the character of the movement at the moment, I do not understand how optimistic thoughts about the Euro might arrive)

We should get Alex12 from the 100% thread to turn it around.

Yeah)))) today there will be a 100% reversal upwards, only by how many pips is unknown))))
I see no reason for the EUR/USD to rise yet. In Europe the debt crisis is growing. There is already a lot of talk about Italy. Earlier they used to say that "Italy may have problems", but now they are talking about them more specifically. There was or will be an emergency meeting of EU finance ministers on the subject (if I'm not mistaken). So for now the fear of more serious problems in the Eurozone will be pushing the Euroland. The fact that the US has debt problems is also true and in theory it should weaken too. But I think everyone understands that republicans and democrats will come to an agreement after all. The first ones are stuffing themselves and no more. It was the same situation with the budget. They just want to bargain for something. That's a personal opinion.

Take your time gentlemen....)))) It's not evening yet....)))) It's too early to congratulate each other and label....))) It's not that simple....)))

It's about the same for me, only it's uncertain at the bottom, there'll be more ripples, like last Friday;)
As for now I see no reason for the EUR/USD to rise. In Europe the debt crisis is getting bigger. Now they're talking about Italy. Previously they used to say that "Italy may have problems", now they are talking about them more specifically. There was or will be an emergency meeting of EU finance ministers on the subject (if I'm not mistaken). So for now the fear of more serious problems in the Eurozone will be pushing the Euroland. The fact that the US has debt problems is also true and it should weaken too. But I think everyone understands that republicans and democrats will come to an agreement after all. The first ones are stuffing themselves and no more. It was the same situation with the budget. They just want to bargain for something. That's a personal opinion.

An emergency meeting was called this morning...

European Union President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top European officials to urgently discuss the eurozone's debt problems. The meeting is scheduled for the morning of July 11. Head of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet, Eurogroup Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn have been invited to participate, reports Reuters, citing sources in Brussels.

The emergency meeting will discuss the provision of a second aid package for Greece. European officials and leading banks in the Old World has not yet reached a consensus on the scope and specific mechanism for the participation of private creditors in the restructuring of Greek debt.

Until recently, a French plan to extend the majority of Greek government bonds in circulation by swapping them for new 30-year securities was seen as the most promising. However, this option was called into question by rating agency Standard & Poor's, which warned that it would consider such a restructuring a "selective default" (i.e., that specific issues to be exchanged were in default).

An additional headache for the EU is the growing distrust of the Italian banking sector on the part of investors. During the latest trading day on 8 July, the FTSE Italia All-Share Banks Index composite index of Italian bank stocks plummeted by 6% to its lowest level since March 2009. The fall in the value of Italian banks was due to concerns about their capital levels as well as market uncertainty about Italy's ability to balance the budget by 2014 as planned by Silvio Berlusconi's government.

After an emergency meeting in a narrow circle in Brussels, a meeting of the Eurozone finance ministers will begin. Eurozone ministers will be joined by their counterparts from other EU countries on 12 July.


Let me fart in the puddle one more time, the account is demo anyway.

Price is suspiciously hanging around the low of May 23.


An emergency meeting was called this morning...

Thank you, margaret. I remember catching a glimpse of it on Handelsblatt somewhere. And you're right there, detailed and to the point. ))