FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 73

2011.07.11 17:16:05 *US President Obama begins press conference on deficit talks
2011.07.11 17:16:52 *Obama: All congressional leaders agree that refusing to raise the debt limit is unacceptable
2011.07.11 17:17:04 *Obama: Still much work to be done
2011.07.11 17:17:27 *Obama: Any agreement on the deficit must be meaningful
2011.07.11 17:19:37 *Obama: Deficit agreement could imply significant changes to Social Security and Medicare
2011.07.11 17:20:04 *Obama insists he will not be satisfied with a short-term agreement
Growth zone in the 1.4030-1.3950 range



I haven't doubted it since Friday...just have to find a divergence on the upside...and close the trade...


Funny expression, quote of the day:

Euro/dollar flirts with $1.4000


Funny expression, quote of the day:

Euro/dollar flirts with $1.4000



All in all watched the beautiful movement of the third wave today



No, one of the brokers comments

Romanov is confused himself:

In my incomplete chart (no first hour global session, no Sydney) there is a hole, aka a price gap, aka a gap 4265-4223. If there is in fact a gap, the first question is what did they gap through? Usually if there is a gap, it is overcoming some great technical difficulty, such a great and important difficulty that Asia, Europe, America, and the rest of the world could not go through, at an accelerated price. And since they could not, we have to jump the gap. And if the gap is confirmed by the closing prices from an hour to a day and a week, then the overcoming of such a big difficulty from the bottom, i.e. support, i.e. SUPP, will mean the corresponding ease of falling at least the whole summer. But the key word here is summer. Whether this is a false move, whether they will come back above the gap in the morning is always a question, and in the summer the water is totally muddy on the market. And tell me, I haven't understood yet, I haven't had enough time for that since Friday evening - What is it? Are they selling? Is it the Eurodollar they're selling or the risk? More precisely, the risk appetite is selling and the fund is falling and the euras are behind them, just on fears of global growth. That would be so-so, standard short the eu, no big deal. Or they started playing the ECB rate hike as a negative for the euro zone, which is much scarier and longer term. You know what I mean? About Trichet and company getting tangled up in their own feet and starting to do things that are bad for Europe, they don't get it, and the market puts everyone in their place. It doesn't matter what Trichet or Draghi thinks. If they are wrong, the market shows them the ropes. The market is smart because people are smart, and if all the speculators in the world decide that the eu should be sold because - the ECB slaughtered Greece (Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy) - then so be it. It will be up to Trichet or Draghi to scream in anger that it's all the fault of the Zurich Dwarfs. And we will laugh. Never an official can go against the people, always ours to take. So I haven't figured it out yet, it was what - (1) was the gap or not really, and (2) what are they selling, the euro or the risk? These are the right questions....

No, one of the brokers comments

This "flirting" has already backfired on Belarus, now it's our turn if it continues.