FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 2


Please understand correctly, but I would like to know the criteria, the acceptable form of forecasts. Only graphical, or is verbal description of one's views and expectations acceptable?

P.S. It is a pity that the display of bidding results is forbidden. Because the results would reduce the flooding many times in the branch. Without them, everyone will make noise, and this branch is unlikely to be very different from the branch of the predecessor. Punitive measures are not the best way (a historical fact).

Regards, Mikhail.

I would like to clarify the situation right away. Since this thread is originally a flood thread, the purpose of the moderators is to keep it from off-topic and mutual insults, and even from pissing (excuse the expression), which all previous threads have suffered from. This is exactly the sort of thing that will be cut out at once.

As of 04.07.2011


I would like to clarify the situation right away. Since the thread was originally a flood, the purpose of moderators is to keep it from offtops and mutual insults, and even from pissing (pardon the expression), which suffered all the previous threads. That's exactly what will be cut out at once.
I did not get direct answers to my questions, but I guessed what and how. Thanks....)))
Sweet: Please understand correctly, but I would like to know the criteria, the acceptable form of forecasts, only graphical, or a verbal description of your views and expectations is acceptable?

It can also be graphic, but with an obligatory explanation of the graphic, if it does not explain itself. Well, Tantrik's graph is OK: the arrow shows where he sees the Euro. True, the arrow could have been highlighted better, but it's not bad at all.

And the hamster lord's rainbows were just rainbows. Where the euro would go or where it would go in is unclear. No verbal explanation. What's the point then?

P.S. It is a pity that the demonstration of trading results is forbidden.

Demonstrations - only in the branches devoted to discussion of strategies / systems. It was the aggressive imposition of the "hamster system" and "rainbow" that caused the rejection.

Here - only predictions and analyses. Well... ...and a little flub, as it should be for a branch like this. But in reasonable quantities.

Punitive measures are not the best way (historical fact).

Where did you find punitive measures? This is simply a clarification of the rules of this thread. Before Mixon777 came along with his aggressive hamster advertising everything was more or less fine.


Got it, thank you.
Don't be sarcastic and make your point reasonably... Like in court, challenge it... I don't mind...

The apology post was not addressed to you, but to the moderator who deleted the post.

I wasn't being sarcastic, I was interpreting.

I am not going to justify my disbelief in bank analysts. It is obvious to me that they are earning their wages.


Eurogroup (organisation of eurozone countries) finance ministers on Saturday evening, 2 July, approved a €12 billion tranche for Greece, AgenceFrance-Presse reported.

The money, intended to save the Greek economy from default, will be made available until July 15 as part of a €110 billion loan agreed by the EU and IMF last year. Of the last, fifth tranche, 8.7 billion euros will be allocated to Greece by the eurozone's financial institutions, with the rest to be provided by the IMF.

Following a meeting of eurozone finance ministers, it was announced that details of the second loan, which EU and IMF authorities plan to give to Greece, will be made public "in the coming weeks".

German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said that the country, which was a victim of the debt crisis, might have to wait for the second loan until autumn. According to him, it is necessary to make sure that Athens will be committed to the declared methods of dealing with economic difficulties, in particular, it will begin a large-scale privatization in the near future.

The allocation of the fifth tranche of the loan became possible after the Greek parliament approved an anti-crisis package of measures in the economy on 29 June. Over the next five years Greece will save 28 billion euros by increasing taxes and cutting budget spending. The measures were accompanied by a general 48-hour strike in the country.

In order not to miss anything important regarding the situation in Greece, here is a list of the key events in the Eurozone that the market can expect (compiled by The Guardian).

Monday, July 11. A meeting of the finance ministers of all European states. Greece is the main issue on the agenda.

Friday, July 15. Greece has to pay its creditors €2.4 billion. If the country does not receive the 12 billion euro loan, a default is possible.

Tuesday, July 19. Greece has to repay a €900 million debt.

Wednesday, July 20. Greece has to repay €1.5 billion in debt.

Friday, July 22. Greece has to repay €1.6 billion in debt.


The apology post was not addressed to you, but to the moderator who deleted the post.

I wasn't being sarcastic, I was interpreting.

I am not going to justify my disbelief in bank analysts. It's obvious to me that they are earning their paycheck.


Who cares what they are raving about. Show them how they trade.....)))


The apology post was not addressed to you, but to the moderator who deleted the post.

I wasn't being sarcastic, I was interpreting.

I am not going to justify my disbelief in bank analysts. It is obvious to me that they are working off their paycheck.

And what makes you think I took your apology to mean anything to me?

Analysts are not the same as analysts, and there is truth in that...


What makes you think I took your apology in my address?

From your advice.

And you're not being sarcastic ...


Analysts are not the same as analysts, and there is truth in that...

Glad you got to see it. Will read more :) Good luck.