'' Predicting price movements 100% - page 11


brain cancer


What Mind Dismantling? ))

No. I'm interested in Castaneda from this thread (and I've thrown out the books on writing tools - I've only left

More informative ). Also OSHO I am interested in information.

..... when he woke up Don Juan was already up .....

There is nothing to be afraid of - the question is whether you will finally mature enough to think about the subject.
Who wants to mature to the end? AFFFtor offers it to everyone.

brain cancer

No, it's not brain cancer. newbies are lucky, and against this background of believing in incomprehensible bullshit has such results: agitating everyone for who knows what. Even the author himself does not know and cannot formulate it. When the big guy with big money makes a deal that doesn't fit into his trade rules and perceptions of the world. the most interesting thing will happen, abrupt movements without kickbacks, slippages, requotes up to 2 hours and stop out.
Alex, Vladislav was making a joke...
Every joke has its share of jokes. One of my acquaintances who was addicted to trading (for him it was like a drug, so I will not call it anything else), the approach voiced by the topicstarter was the first thing he "discovered" ..... The one I voiced was the second. I have not managed to change his mind. I had to spend 1-1.5 K of evergreen money on deposit and he managed to lose 40K - the remaining 500 dollars in his account...

That's it, I know now. Open two accounts - Small and Big....

but make sure it's for different people, preferably unconnected, or they'll figure it out and...
To illustrate, open an order with a lot of 1.00 up or down and immediately or later open the opposite

with a lot of 2.00 or better 3.00 and you will see that the price will always go in the opposite direction

of an order with a bigger lot. You can do this as many times as you like and the result will always be the same.

Of course moves in the direction of the order with a larger lot are possible naturally, but they are few and far from profitable.

and not deep in profits.

And do not let your mind immediately hurry that it knew this hackneyed truth for centuries. Don't jump to conclusions. This is only

an ajar door.

You have discovered the basic principle of manual trading: if you want to hit Buy, hit Sell. Lack of strategy is the first step towards losing a deposit. Overtaking a loss is the next step.
Every joke has its share of jokes. One of my acquaintances, who was "addicted" to trading (for him it was like a drug, so I will not call it anything else), the approach voiced by the topicstarter was the first thing he "discovered" ..... The one I voiced was the second. I have not managed to change his mind. I had to spend 1-1.5K evergreen on my deposit and he managed to lose 40K - my account has 500 dollars left...

If I'd have given you $40K I think it would have been more useful... at least I could have told him about Fourier and spectral analysis...

Is the spider in the keyhole this parable?

Price always goes against your position with a bigger lot - towards an order with a smaller lot. I'm not predicting anything. the chance is about 90/10.

where do you come from, always know, always no proof, always no money to trade on real accounts?

convince me that your "always" is not unsubstantiated.