'' Predicting price movements 100% - page 10

alex12: we don't swear. You are confusing this forum.

If we don't swear, then we're not engaging in verbiage....)))

To illustrate this, open an order with lot 1.00 up or down and immediately or later open the opposite order

with a lot 2.00 or better 3.00 and you will see how the price will always go in the opposite direction

from an order with a bigger lot. At any time, and as many times as you like, you can do this and the result will always be the same.

Of course moves in the direction of the order with a larger lot are possible naturally, but they are few and far from profitable.

and not deep in profits.

And do not let your mind immediately hurry that it knew this hackneyed truth for centuries. Don't jump to conclusions. This is only

ajar door.

Let's say it goes like you said... does that mean you predict the price movement of the first order? You have a 50/50 chance for the first order as well as for the second.

Кто может сказать с 90% уверенностью - в какую сторону пойдет цена в ближайшие секунды - минуты ?,только не часы и не дни и тем более не недели :)


and I'm interested to hear your rough thoughts on the subject.

hint: buy and sell are 2 sides of the same coin, like profit and loss.

For example, if you put a big white board and draw a little black dot on it and

ask what you see. You will definitely say you see a dot. That is the nature of the mind. The mind always sees

the object, not the background. Pay attention to the background - you will see a price action field of 2,000 or more pips.

The author gives at least a hint, I'm confused, I've seen a price field of 2000 pips, what it gives me and how you think it's possible to keep the price stable, although I don't exclude that even the impossible is possible, everyone has his own mind and his own outlook on the world and forex, explain your thoughts in more detail and maybe everything will become clear to us.

I don't understand what diversification means in the wiki.

The chart edge or screen edge is not practical - it's like using any kind of indy - it's a complete illusion

misleading. The result is the same as from flipping a coin.

No mathematically calculated logic = the idea is empty. Screw it.

I may not get your idea as you have not backed up your comment with figures and comparisons, but from your words above

I drew the conclusion I wrote above.

Alex, Vladislav made a joke... diversification - spreading portfolio risk across different strategies/financial instruments

I don't understand what diversification means in the wiki.

The chart edge or screen edge is not practical - it's like using any kind of indy - it's a complete illusion

misleading. The result is the same as from flipping a coin.

No mathematically calculated logic = the idea is empty. Screw it.

I may not understand your idea as you have not backed up your comment with figures and comparisons but in your words above

I made a conclusion - I wrote above.

And where is the "mathematically calculated logic" in your idea?

It seems that the meaning of the term - logic - also escapes your perception ....

And about the terms: do not worry - not always, or rather not all Wiki helps. When you graduate, you will begin to understand. They started accepting documents from today... or is it too early for you?


I couldn't follow it, it's a lot of books. It's not funny. Drink your yadda.

I'd rather read Mixon about fancy hamster trains.

Alex, Vladislav made a joke... diversification - spreading portfolio risk across different strategies/financial instruments

I see. Thank you.

I couldn't follow it, it's a lot of books. It's not funny. Drink your yadda.

I'd rather read Mixon about fancy hamster trains.

That's a good one about Mixon and hamsters.

one more thing - always stay exactly in the middle.

Translate this statement into the language of forex trading.

If I give you a concrete suggestion, I will kill your creative spirit.

I'll kill the creative spirit in you beforehand.

When you start to find edible berries, not weeds, you will be satisfied.

- there's a lot of satisfaction in this trading tactic, and it's as long as it lasts,

as long as your depo grows. And here the deposit may grow long and steadily.

in this tactic, you can stay afloat (since drawbacks are virtually eliminated - unless you do it by mistake)

for a very long time. My 3 minuses I didn't do it on purpose - everyday things clouded my mind ))

Alex, less water more meat... people here like meat and vodka... The investor's password to the real account...
alex12: Just to clarify, you open an order with 1.00 lot up or down and immediately, or later you open the opposite order with 2.00 lot or better still 3.00 lot, and you will see the price always going in the opposite direction from the order with a bigger lot.

That's it, I know now. We open two accounts - Small and Large.

On the Small, we open two orders - sell 0.1 and buy 0.3. The price, of course, will go down, it is obvious.

Right after that on the Big one we open sell 3.0 and cream off.

Here it is, the Grail!