'' Predicting price movements 100% - page 4

Man, this branch is hilarious. I like it. The author got high and he's happy. I also smoked once and understood the meaning of the universe. When I let go I realized I would never smoke again or try other things. But the man feels good, he has enlightenment (until he lets go).

i feel like a kid writing nonsense that nobody needs)

Phew, then let's get to the point!

the soothsayers are in the euphoric thread, and what have you got "behind your back"?

alex12: I feel like a child writing nonsense that no one needs.)

You're not wrong.

You've got some good weed, Friday.

No - rather - I mean: Who can control the price by 90%?

No one, I think, otherwise there would be no market.

I don't mean prediction, I mean purposeful price management (the bars themselves).

wow! really something on the subject? i can assure you, the bars are moving according to a well-designed algorithm - i see it myself and i don't even think about who is pulling them: trading bots, arbitrage or "devils with pitchforks".

ZS: And how do you imagine arbitrage between sites? imho there is a best buy price in a minute (in 5 minutes..., in an hour) and somewhere there is a best sell price. You realise that forex is an instant exchange - you go in, change, and go out at the current price, it is not a stock where you need a buyer as well as a seller


first clarify for me yours is a new subj word.
wiki to the rescue!

Talking and thinking are actions of Mind.As soon as Mind starts bombarding with thoughts - it leads to illusion and chaos in the end.

You just have to disconnect Mind or get away from Mind and in a non-Mind state, the right solution to a long-standing problem (a splinter) will spontaneously come.)

From Mind is nothing but trouble.

I mean, going mad, you mean, but I can't seem to get into that state.

The price control technique is similar to what is known as - Managed Stupidity.

You are doing Stupidity, but deliberately and with a purpose.

Now I can definitely go crazy and find the right solution, but how do I get back into this world with the right solution?

this is exactly the reason why the market is breathing - everyone is trying to manage the market but failing).

Only a minority do it well and deliberately.

Do you have any examples of who succeeds?
I mean, go crazy, you mean, but I am not able to fall into this state.

We are not talking about total insanity, but about conscious change of consciousness (alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, psychotraining). When psychotraining to separate consciousness and switch, if you lose control or a shock happens to you, schizophrenia is assured.

The author has chosen the wrong forum to address the question of controlling reality through consciousness.

About his topic I can say one thing, it's not completely crazy, but to understand it you have to read and look through some information. But it is definitely not the right topic!


Prediction is a word I intentionally put in inverted commas to make fun of the word itself.

I don't mean prediction, I mean purposeful price management ( the bars themselves).

The price is not a secret, and a trader can only guess or calculate the TS (as it was managed last time, so it will probably be today...) where it will go.