Alpari's voracious terminals - page 9


The "+" is that no software is made for XP. And the drivers on the laptops are only for Win 7. It's certainly +++, only more like crosses.

And to be honest... Are you still on XP?

The "+" is that no software is made for XP. And the drivers on the laptops are only for Win 7. It's certainly +++, only more like crosses.

Crosses is to sit on an operating system which is no longer supported either by the manufacturer of the operating system itself or by third party product manufacturers...

And to be honest... Are you still on XP?


I was on 7 for a year. Then out of necessity logged on to an old drive under XP.... Took 7 down after that and went back to XP.



I was on 7 for a year. Then out of necessity logged on to an old drive under XP.... After that, tore down 7 and went back to XP.

I've been on 7 for less than half a year myself and switched to 7 because I gave my son a game that wasn't supported by XP, but then I didn't regret it either... I don't know why they changed it so much... for example the minimize all windows in XP was on the left but in 7 now it's on the right, I don't understand why...


The most ordinary processor was E7200, I had 4 GB of memory. The operating system is Windows 7 Corporate.

Today the processor just doesn't notice the terminal, and on workdays not very much either - if there are no calculations (when calculating of course it notices).

Alexey, hi!

Reread the thread from 1.5 years ago about choosing processors. Weren't you going to migrate to something more powerful then? :)


The "+" is that no software is made for XP. And the drivers on laptops are only for Win 7. This is of course +++, only more like crosses.

For most it's still possible to find for XP

Crosses is to sit on an operating system that is no longer supported by either the operating system itself or third party manufacturers...

Windows XP will be supported until the end of 2014, so sometimes it's better to keep quiet.

The fact of unprecedentedly long (for MC) operating system lifetime is an evidence of its technical soundness.