Alpari's voracious terminals - page 8



2. No, I can't and I don't intend to: the branch is not about optimising the performance/price ratio. The only issue is performance.

More performance costs more so it is unclear how you propose to increase performance without affecting cost.

You can strain your brain - that's the cost...

Many problems are effectively solved by optimising the software or conditions of use alone.

Alexei, can't you see? The man is not on the subject at all, don't waste your time on him.

mostly solved the problem... just reduced the load... ... because terminal and Windows start to glitch after a lot of market activity...
By the way... it's easy to fix it by closing terminal and terminating user session and logging in again... ... even without rebooting ...
If you just close the terminal all the glitching remains.

1. You can rack your brains - that's the cost...

2. Many problems are effectively solved by optimising software or conditions of use alone.

1. So you're saying that those who use more efficient processors in their calculations can't use their brains to make do with less efficient ones?

2. the topic is about the specific problem of increasing performance. what do many problems have to do with it?

Debugger: I've solved the problem for the most part... just reduced the load...

What specific workloads have you reduced? Surely you don't like shutting down the terminal, solving Bill Gates' problems, which seems to have nothing to do with it?

Ehhh, why don't I like Windows 7... it's a bit underdeveloped or something... Aero's a bit silly... man, it's just a little bit of a girly thing...


What exactly have you reduced your workload? Surely you don't like shutting down the terminal, solving Bill Gates' problems, which seems to have nothing to do with it?

Ehhh, why don't I like Windows 7... it's a bit underdeveloped or something... Aero's a bit silly... man, it's just a little bit of a girly thing...

Reduced the number of pairs to 12 and doubled the conversion period to 2000ms. So far it seems to be holding.
Have you tried optimising the recalculation?
Have you tried optimising the recalculation?

There's nowhere else to optimise...
Frankly speaking, I don't want to bother with it... Unless you're an assembler...

It just worked and that's it.


Ehhh, why don't I like Windows 7... It's just a bit underdeveloped or something... Aero's a bit silly... man, it's just a little bit of a girly thing...

You get used to it, it's a bit annoying the first time, but then the (+) outweighs the (-) and you get used to it :)

The "+" is that no software is made for XP. And the drivers on the laptops are only for Win 7. It's certainly +++, only more like crosses.