Searching for market patterns - page 144

To expose liars (I'm a medium-term trader, so I have time)
What do you need this for?
What's that for?

The answer is simple, sooner or later there will be a really talented trader who will not mind sharing his secrets - I'll be the first to sign up for his apprenticeship.
By the way, can anybody make a Renko chart with time in addition to price, i.e. if the price "stands" in place for a certain period of time, then we build another bar with this price?
I didn't know the MKL4 forum was a dump.
Well, maybe the forum isn't a dump. But your behavior sounds like that of a homeless novice. Why are you writing in big letters? To get noticed? :))

The answer is simple-sooner or later there will be a really talented trader who will not give a shit about sharing his secrets-the first to sign up for his apprenticeship.
But first he has to suck your dick so that you notice his talents? ;)
But he has to suck your dick first for you to notice his talents? ;)

And I've been accused of not being polite. I've already explained what it takes for me and others to notice him.
But he has to suck your dick first for you to notice his talents? ;)

To expose liars (I have a medium-term trade, so I have time)

The Cleaner showed up)))))

And I've been accused of not being polite-I've already explained what it takes for me and others to notice him.
Even though you've already been banned, let me explain (something to think about while you're banned): you're assuming that he has a need to be "noticed". This is faulty logic. Essentially a projection of your own need.
By the way, can anybody make a Renko chart with time in addition to price, i.e. if the price "stands" in place for a certain period of time, then build another bar with this price?
Actually the problem is not very difficult. But it is not relevant to this thread.