Searching for market patterns - page 135


;)))) On schedule:Список_дат_конца_света

Coming up:

  • 2014, February 22 - according to the Vikings, the Apocalypse will happen. The Vikings call this day Ragnarok. It is on this day that the god Odin will be killed by the giant wolf Fenrir. According to legend, only two men will survive and they will give life to a new civilisation.[41]
  • 2014, June - the demise of the Solar System, including the Earth, as a result of the destructive effects of an acid cloud emerging from a black hole. This was predicted by British astrophysicist Albert Shervinsky.[42]



;)))) On schedule:Список_дат_конца_света

Coming up:

  • 2014, February 22 - according to the Vikings, the Apocalypse will happen. The Vikings call this day Ragnarok. It is on this day that the god Odin will be killed by the giant wolf Fenrir. According to legend, only two men will survive and they will give life to a new civilisation.[41]
  • 2014, June - the demise of the Solar System, including the Earth, as a result of the destructive effects of an acid cloud emerging from a black hole. This was predicted by British astrophysicist Albert Shervinsky.[42]


That's good. There's someone to answer for that... Or folklore, folklore, folklore...

;)))) On schedule:Список_дат_конца_света

Coming up:

  • 2014, February 22 - according to the Vikings, the Apocalypse will happen. The Vikings call this day Ragnarok. It is on this day that the god Odin will be killed by the giant wolf Fenrir. According to legend, only two men will survive and they will give life to a new civilisation.[41]
  • 2014, June - the demise of the Solar System, including the Earth, as a result of the destructive effects of an acid cloud emerging from a black hole. This was predicted by British astrophysicist Albert Shervinsky.[42]


Geneticists have long calculated that two people, even of different sexes, will not give rise to civilisation, as early as the 3rd generation, genetic deviations will kill the human race, because only ugly people will be born.
Geneticists have long calculated that two people, even of different sexes, will not give rise to civilization, as early as the 3rd generation, genetic deviations will kill the human race, because only ugly people will be born.

Maybe these two will have families. Two people. There's no indication of how many women. Maybe a hundred each. ;)))

Maybe these two will be with their families. Two men. There's no indication of how many women. Maybe a hundred each. ;)))
Equality is now declared, so women should also have "a hundred each"! Without incest and gene shuffling along the male line, there will be no normal development of mankind either! Families were invented by religious people. Families are easier to manipulate than communities and tribes! Without religions, parties, banks and government from above, it would be easier to breathe and live happily, and would be better managed than all these artificial institutions which do not allow progress, but blatant profiteering at the expense of others. Somebody once started talking about the rule of the people, and what happened? Hypocrisy! Isn't that the degradation of mankind? If the apocalypse happens, it will be because of these politicians, who ruin humanity, flora and fauna, destroy the unique nature, beautiful nature. All earthquakes do not cause as much damage as these corporations, monopolies, tycoons, oligarchs, polluting, poisoning, killing life on Earth. And many earthquakes are caused by exorbitant exploitation of deep deposits of "minerals", especially dangerous as oil, gas and many more. Good night!
Equality is now declared, so women should also have "a hundred for each"! Without incest and gene shuffling along the male line there will be no normal development of mankind either! Families were invented by religious people. Families are easier to manipulate than communities and tribes!

Is this your constructive objection to the imminent planned end of the world? ;)))

Is this your constructive objection to the imminent planned end of the world? ;)))
Let's hit the end of the world with a car rally!!!

Is this your constructive objection to the imminent planned end of the world? ;)))
Read it, I finished it! There won't be an immediate one, but the ultimate real one is "just around the corner"!
No politician is fortunate enough to be able to control nature..... And no politician can call the end of the world.) And family is beyond politics. And the popes didn't make it up....
No politician is fortunate enough to control nature..... And no politician can call the end of the world)) And family is beyond politics. And the popes didn't make it up....

Of course, all the more so, the politician is only interested in profit. The end of the world for him is his death! What comes after is of no interest to him!

The family should not be compulsory and the only one, the choice and decision is up to the lovers. But priests invent moral norms, dogmas, and apply them depending on circumstances and their own selfish purposes, often transgressing their own norms. They should not be entrusted with the upbringing of children. A child should develop by playing, not by praying. An adult can believe what he/she wants and not believe in nonsense!