10% or 20% every day is it possible? or is it utopian in advance? - page 4


Vaughn, for that matter, in general, through the exchange in St. Petersburg on the A ...ri can. On each transaction you will have a "check". And what, from this will start earning more?

Wait a minute, "check". Let's go back to where we started.

You asked me why "DCs would churn on NDD quotes".

I answer you - the point is of course there is. What difference does it make on which quotes to "roll" clients. Especially in Forex. The market is very conditionally regulated - so there are no common quotes. As opposed to the stock exchange.

Now the question - what does the quoted remark have to do with it? Will there, or won't there, be any money earned?

But still I will answer. Any exchange in a normal country is a much more regulated market than Forex. Therefore, there is much less chance of you getting a rough ride there.

Well, maybe they do it so the server does not suffer unnecessarily because of one pip, so they comb it out.
With all the money the traders lost, they could have bought a super computer, but they are scratching the quotes. They're just a brainstorm. They are not unloading the server.

But I will answer the question. Any exchange in a normal country is a much more regulated market than Forex. So there is less chance of you getting a rough ride there.

Like I said, check. But still, does it make a difference? Do you think 95% don't make money just because of the DC's machinations?
With all the money that the traders have lost, they could have bought a super computer, and they are scratching quotes. It's a brainstorm. Not to unload the server.
The channel is not rubber, no money can make it wider...
The canal is not rubber, no amount of money can make it wider than it is...
2 channels wider than one)
Well, I said, "check". But still, does it make a difference? Do you think 95% don't make money just because of DC's machinations?

Once again, you're focusing on a side topic rather than the issue you raised.

With all the money that traders have lost, they could have bought a supercomputer, and they are scratching quotes. They are just brainwashing. They are not unloading the server.

I agree. As long as you are a "zero without a stick" nobody needs you, but when you start making 50 to 100% in an evening, you are taken on the pencil.

Deals open for 30 seconds or more. I once had an opening that lasted 1.5 minutes. And the quotes are stroking ungodly..... One brokerage house didn't make it

In one brokerage house it didn't reach 2 pips, and in another one it did. In short - dark forest.....

2 channels wider than one )
With a 2-fold increase in the client base - yes, but if malicious pipsaries, and arbitrageurs will take one channel, then the second does not resonate, it's better to comb it, more profitable ...

I agree. As long as you're a zero without a stick, nobody needs you, but when you start doing 50 to 100% in an evening, you're on the pencil.

I'm not. They are favorite clients of DCs :D

It is their trading sessions that sooner or later end with a "poker".