The fight against PYTHIA 8 has come down to a dumb formula... - page 8


вывод сексуально неудовлетворенной дивы ещё не является основанием...:-)))

something i missed in physics .... some apparently important section...


How about we talk about the Jedi? :о)

You see, it's not very correct. If you want to "shut up" the interlocutor, you can ask him a fundamental question. While he puffs and grinds his quill, wasting his thoughts on the tree, you can quietly mind your own business. So, I'll certainly answer it, but only if you tell me where life comes from.


I'm not really a player today :-))) Drinking my everlasting Miller and thinking how I'm going to fool the traffic cops tomorrow when I take my daughter to the zoo...

don't take it too seriously...:-))) God Bless Ya


something i missed in physics .... some apparently important section...

probably...more to do with pre-prints...:-)))

When a being living for decades gives a picture of the distribution of dark energy in the observable universe for tens of billions of light years...

it always inspires confidence that humanity will get its way one way or another....:-)))


And I'm working on a non-syndicated TS in that direction.

What is it?
Here's zoritch (about the report) already better, I mean worse

I'm not really a player today...:-)) Drinking my everlasting Miller and wondering how I'm going to fool the traffic cops tomorrow when I take my daughter to the zoo...

Better drink Guinness, it's a real beer, and I wouldn't call Miller a beer at all.

Don't take it too seriously...:-))) God Bless Ya

it seemed pretty obvious to me - that I don't take things too seriously.

When a being who has lived for decades gives a picture of the distribution of dark energy in the observable universe for tens of billions of light years... it always inspires confidence that humanity will get its way one way or another....:-)))

You might as well question all the achievements of modern physics, for they were all built by such beings.


What's that?

Well... it's what you might call an advanced gridiron. It works on a series basis, it adjusts to price movements.

Well... it's what you might call an "advanced gridiron". It works by series, it adjusts to price movements.

Interesting... I'm currently dealing with Liliput Expert Advisor, which I won in 2008... it's also non-syndicator

2 Serge.

I recognise Papa Carla...


I wonder... I am currently dealing with Liliput Expert Advisor, which I won in 2008... it is also non-syndicated.

What do you mean, figuring it out? There is no source code and you are trying to figure out how it works from its behaviour? Or is the source code too complicated? Is this Lilliputian a pipsqueak? What is the number of deals per day - 2 or 200 ?

Many questions ))))