The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 506


No one doubts your ability to do ruthless nonsense for years 🤣

And then post randomly positive charts on lucky intervals...

After all, you don't have to show your leaked salaries and pensions and loans and borrowed money from your neighbour on the forum 😁

You are a dogmatist with a comb in your hand
Renat Akhtyamov:
You, sir, are a dogmatist with a comb in your hand

No, I'm a nihilist, and this what's-his-name... Chaosite...


No, I'm a nihilist, and this what's-his-name... Chaosite...

I respect humor, but not to this extent.



No, I'm a nihilist, and this what's-his-name... Chaosite...

Annihilist and Voidborn)


"1118. As on empty, thou shalt look upon this world. By destroying the ordinary understanding of thyself, thou shalt also defeat death. The Lord of Death will not behold him who looks at the world in this way.

Sutta-nipata" (5.15)

--the phenomena (dharmas) have no identity (svabhava), or their own, independent of the causes and conditions of existence: no dharma, no phenomenon exists independently of others, nor is it a self-sufficient entity

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Coincidence :)

I was looking at this fountain at night too, I'm going to try it in the yard. Haven't heard anything about it before.

Oddly enough, it works, but it's a bit of a toy in general)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Oddly enough, it works, but it's a bit much) Toy in general)

Yeah, checked it out, ***full :)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Yeah, checked it out, ***full :)

Check out the fountains of Peterhof. Maybe you'll like an idea from there.)


Check out the fountains of Peterhof. Maybe you'll like some of the ideas from there).

No, the goal was to do it without a pump, but you can't cheat physics.

The point is that the water flows out and creates a vacuum in the tank, so there is an inlet on the back side, where you can feed the water and it will flow around in a circle.

But alas, the capacity on the supply side must be higher than the outlet side.


The fountain wanted to follow the jug principle

Vitaly Muzichenko:

No, the aim was to do it without a pump, but you can't cheat physics

The point is that the water flowing out creates a vacuum in the tank, so there is an inlet on the back side where you can feed the water and it will flow in a circle.

But alas, the capacity on the supply side must be higher than on the outlet side.

Has he tried the discharge pipe down into the water?

Then there won't be any air leaking out of it.