The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 499

Here's a simple example.

There's a coin to bet. I tell you that in the next series of 50 bets, at least 20 of them will be tails. And if I make 100 of these bets, at least 80% of the time I'll be right. That's what SB earns. Or a reversal in a perpetual flat. And the more rolls will be made in each bet, the more my winning rates will be close to 99% (analogue of increasing TF on the SB chart).
But if there is only one roll in each bet, then my chances of winning are 50% even and I will not earn anything.
Hopefully I simply and clearly explained you why you can earn money on the SB easier than a dime a dozen different cumulative from a single event.

If you want to check it out, go ahead and play. You just need a coin, a hand and time about 20 minutes.
I hope you will never come back to this question again, and you won't question your own authority by showing off your gaps in knowledge to everyone around you.

With deep respect Che.

I've got it all figured out for you. You're an intuitive mathematician.

If you flip a coin, it's 50/50. That's why intuitively, it seems to be a predominant flat on the SB. Well, it has to be, because it's 50/50. That's where you'll make your biggest mistake. There's no flat on the SB. Isn't that unusual? Doesn't make sense, does it? But it's a common mathematical result. A lot has been written about it. Read about it.


I've got you all figured out. You're an intuitive mathematician.

If you flip a coin, it's 50/50 tails. That's why it intuitively seems to be a flat. Well, it has to be, because it's 50/50. That's where you make your biggest mistake. There's no flat on the SB. Isn't that unusual? Doesn't make sense, does it? But it's a common mathematical result. A lot has been written about it. Read about it.

I'll be blunt about his approach.

I take any signal indicator and apply a RMS to it.

for forex, it is generally accepted that the most pleasant result in terms of profit is obtained using the golden ratio and it is approximately +/- 2*SCO/3

however such a strategy is waiting and low-risk and therefore almost unprofitable

Not bad, but I don't like them.

Renat Akhtyamov:
It's not easy, but it's hard to read.

Well done!!!

You were right to delete it!!!

Now people will spend all day wondering what was written here.


I've got you all figured out. You're an intuitive mathematician.

If you flip a coin, it's 50/50 tails. That's why it intuitively seems to be a flat. Well, it has to be, because it's 50/50. That's where you make your biggest mistake. There's no flat on the SB. Isn't that unusual? Doesn't make sense, does it? But it's a common mathematical result. A lot has been written about it. Read about it.

Show my comment to someone who can explain to you what you do not understand. I'm just right, I'm stumped, because you can't explain it any easier. Well, if you don't understand, that's too bad...

You don't have to believe me, just check it.
It won't take you long to see the result.)
If you are really so convinced of what you are writing you will see "a real miracle")

But if you do not have any desire to understand, it is your share and your choice.

If not, then no.

NLP in action.

Renat is pitted against Genghis.

Allies are made adversaries.


Renat Akhtyamov:

I'll be blunt about his approach

You take any signal indicator and apply a RMS to it

for forex it is accepted to believe that the most pleasant result in terms of profit is obtained in the golden ratio, and it is approximately +/- 2*SCO/3

however such a strategy is waiting and low-risk and therefore almost unprofitable

not bad, but I don't like them.

Rena... What are you doing with the turkeys?)
In order to understand what is difficult here, for example on SB we simply take 100 reports at most and use the formula:
If the SB goes up, the grid is set down along the whole calculated range.
If the price goes lower than min, the grid is also set upwards within the whole calculated range.
The % of winning nets will be at least 80 %. And the more counts (hello WBC) you take to calculate the max min, the more winning meshes will be and the % will be close to 99%.
Of course, if you only place one order the result will also return to a 50/50 chance.

Are you guys kidding me?
If it's hard to understand, then what are we talking about and with whom?
Show someone my comment he will explain to you what you don't understand. I'm just right even stumped, because you can't explain it any easier. You don't understand, that's too bad...

You don't have to believe me, you just have to check.
It won't take you long to see the result.)
If you are really so convinced of what you are writing you will see "a real miracle").

But if you do not have any desire to understand, it is your share and your choice.

If not, then no.

You are an amazing person. I'm even embarrassed to be convinced that you are deeply wrong. There's a kind of reverent naivety to your narrative.

I realized that I couldn't advise you to read Shiryaev. That would be inhumane of me.

I'm trying to retell the primer here in simple understood words. Read my posts at From Theory to Practice 2.

От теории к практике. Часть 2
От теории к практике. Часть 2
  • 2021.04.20
Да. Все-таки, ветке быть. Приглашаю в нее всех физиков, математиков, да и, вообще, заинтересованных лиц...
Rena... What are you doing with the turkeys?)
Why is it difficult to understand that the SB takes for example 100 reports as a minimum and uses the formula:
If the SB goes up, the grid is set down along the whole calculated range.
If the price goes lower than min, the grid is also set upwards within the whole calculated range.
The % of winning nets will be at least 80 %. The more counts (hello WBC) you take to calculate max min, the more winning meshes will be.

Are you guys kidding me?
If it is hard to understand, then what are we talking about and with whom?

Come on!


this formula in my indicator has recently been published by an experienced in the branch of predictions (the original is _new-rena.mq4, but it is lost)

i put this indicator in my branch once in 2013 and i erased it a couple hours later

and a friend downloaded it

and this indicator came back recently with the comment - grail

but when was that???

you just don't know how much water has flowed since then ...

well i also downloaded my own indicator ;))))

_new-rena.mq5  3 kb

You are an amazing person. I even felt uncomfortable convincing you that you were deeply wrong. There is a kind of reverent naivety in your narrative.

I realized I couldn't recommend you to read Shiryaev. That would be inhumane of me.

I'm trying to retell the primer here in simple understood words. Read my posts at From Theory to Practice 2.

The most interesting thing is that you yourself without realising it in the charts have posted in your posts what I just explained to you😄🙈
Well you are right you are right, please just don't come to me with a primer. I am very glad and happy to have a nice and hopefully short conversation with you.)

I'm trying to retell the primer here in simple understandable words. Read my posts at From Theory to Practice 2.

I've already retold the primer, even before Tip-1. Tore the primer to shreds)