The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 498


You are the envy of the world. But I have to go to the mathematician, and she is a strict lady, she does not allow any liberties. If she says you can't do it, you can't do it.

If all mathematicians thought like you, there would be no mathematics here.

Oh, what a mess we've made )). Tomorrow he'll read about 50% a day and that's it... You can lose a man that way too. I mean he will quit big-time trading.

If you have an idea, you need a lot of knowledge to implement it.

If all mathematicians thought like you, we wouldn't have any mathematics.

I don't. You don't have to think about what I write here. Others have already thought it over. I'm rewriting a primer here. People don't even read primers.

Renat Akhtyamov:
Even if an idea is given out, you have to have a decent amount of knowledge to implement it.

It will save you. No doubt about it. But Sasha will be upset to hear about 50% a day. He'll have nightmares about sines and cosines.


I don't. You don't have to think about what I write here. Others have already thought it over. I'm rewriting a primer here. People don't even read primers.

Let me give you a simple example.

There's a coin to bet. I'm telling you that in the next series of 50, at least 20 of them will be tails. And if I make 100 of those bets, at least 80% of the time I'll be right. That's what SB earns. Or a reversal in a perpetual flat. And the more rolls will be made in each bet, the more my winning rates will be close to 99% (analogue of increasing TF on the SB chart), and this already works the law of large numbers, it is called that, because the more numbers, the better the law works.
But if there is only one roll in each bet, then my chances of winning are 50% even and I won't earn anything.
I hope I explained you simply and clearly enough why it is easier to earn money on the sub than the differences between a set and a single event.

If you want to check it out, go ahead and play. You just need a coin, a hand and time about 20 minutes.
I hope you (and in general all those who have or had doubts) will never come back to this question, and you won't question your own authority and expose gaps in knowledge to everyone around you.

With deep respect Che.

Renat Akhtyamov:

So is it more practical pi or pi/2?

I have a pi/2. There ispractically nothing that "took off" onpi.


Yep, so strictly formally proved that it has never earned anything since 😁

Apparently it was a self-falsifiable theorem that destroys a fragment of reality relating to it immediately after it is proved...

In mathematics, a proof is a kind of statement about how the universe functions, and has to be proved by prior proofs. They are essentially a step-by-step guide to how things work. In this case, some theories proved by the dark calculus (a reference to the shadow calculus Umbral calculus) will become false once the proofs are completed. With this discovery, systems based on the dark calculus have been created, and even more fragile, some of which make theorems false even on the assumption (suppose X is true). Since the proof must be in some observable state to be false, some theorists have predicted that there is some level of self-awareness in the dark calculus. They created a sophisticated computer system to use the dark calculus and launched it into space to prevent any external observation. The results of their research are unknown, but led to the use of dark calculus and all the formal systems associated with it being strictly forbidden. Opinion was unanimous, including the author of the topic, who agreed by blowing up the research station and afterwards acquired an extremely nasty temper and swore at everything. Most records relating to dark calculus have been or tried to be removed from written history.

Do you take drugs?

Renat Akhtyamov:

That's right,

Wren, you've practically laid out the Grail. Now people will do some thinking and that's it... We're out of our trousers. They'll take all our money.

Renat Akhtyamov:

With these you get barriers, not waves


But it does predict, because knowing the tangent we can calculate the cotangent. Just like knowing sine we can calculate cosine )


Wren, you've practically laid out the Grail. Now people will do some thinking and that's it... We're out of our trousers. They'll take all our money.

Although not easy, it's no longer easy to read