The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 495


The most important thing I'll tell you is what's needed for the Grail:

is for everyone to get together and go to a place of their choice,

and start furiously pulling each other's hair out in all the right places.

That's the surest way to profitable trading, I'm telling you!


Alexei, you need to learn to be polite to Wizards.

You don't want to go the miserable way of the Doctor, obviously, lying drunk to death right now, do you?

Why am I being rude? Unlike you - I refer to a stranger as you, unlike your tractor driver friend - I've never been banned for swearing. Unlike your defensive character - I do not spin around like a frying pan, and try to respond substantively if possible.

You may be right, but you are confused about something).


The most important thing I'll tell you is what's needed for the Grail:

is for everyone to get together and go to a place of their choice,

and start furiously pulling each other's hair out in all the right places.

that's the surest way to profitable trading, I'm telling you!

Group waxing as a team building exercise)? Hmm, interesting and fresh idea!)


> serious work on TC and continuous improvement of algorithms using TAU/ASU/etc is stated

> after 10 years in all seriousness discuss the possibility of developing on randome😂🤣😁

> angry swearing in response to normal cultural questions ( e.g. https://www.

I dunno... sounds to me like an unprecedented degree of stagnation-degradation...


You apparently don't know much about TAU and ASU.

A few years ago Automat strictly formally proved the feasibility of making money on SB here.

About the vicious swearing I agree and regret it.

Алексей Тарабанов:

You apparently don't know much about TAU and ASU.

A few years ago Automat strictly formally proved the possibility of making money from SB here.

About the vicious swearing I agree and regret it.

Yep, so strictly formally proved that he's never earned anything since 😁

Apparently it was a self-falsifiable theorem that destroys a fragment of reality relating to it as soon as it is proved...

In mathematics, a proof is a kind of statement about how the universe functions, and has to be proved by prior proofs. They are essentially a step-by-step guide to how things work. In this case, some theories proved by the dark calculus (a reference to the shadow calculus Umbral calculus) will become false once the proofs are completed. With this discovery, systems based on the dark calculus have been created, and even more fragile, some of which make theorems false even on the assumption (suppose X is true). Since the proof must be in some observable state to be false, some theorists have predicted that there is some level of self-awareness in the dark calculus. They created a sophisticated computer system to use the dark calculus and launched it into space to prevent any external observation. The results of their research are unknown, but led to the use of dark calculus and all the formal systems associated with it being strictly forbidden. Opinion was unanimous, including the author of the topic, who agreed by blowing up the research station and afterwards acquired an extremely nasty temper and swore at everything. Most records relating to the dark calculus were, or tried to be, removed from written history.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Group waxing as team building?) Hmm, interesting and fresh idea!)

A sort of return to brutal primitive savagery, and ritualistic orgies with ritual combat and sacrifices.

Participants are expected to turn up with rulers of set length.

Whoever cannot formulate the properties of the Ito stochastic integral is not allowed to take part in the battle and is sent to the factory.

After that comes the stage of throwing Neper's sticks, and then the race on integrals.

Finally the contestants who pass the tests furiously differentiate each other with rulers until they are totally amazed.

The grail is presented to the most worthy fighter in the form of a special ecstatic vision.


The crazy Doctor and his best friend secret are eager to see my signal go down or the biggest drawdown, for example :)))

Instead of studying physics, they're fidgeting with impatience and inventing crazy formulas to calculate the drawdown.

What a strange man. There are clever people who say that if he is offered money in a public place, it does not mean that he is a Columbus and he has opened the Eldorado. It means the risks are unacceptable. And he says, "Drop your trousers, show me your diploma." And he holds out a ruler.

A drain on what? A $100 drain? Don't make fun of Automat's louboutins. That's dinner for two at a cheap restaurant. If it was $mio on the line. Then, yes, it would be an attraction. Then it wouldn't just be everyone. The whole forum and the neighborhood would be betting.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

For savings deposits in the USSR, the Sharpe coefficient was infinitely large)

Taki no, not infinitely large. In the numerator you subtract the risk-free rate. Technically we get 0/0. You have to do the math, though.


Алексей Тарабанов:

A few years ago, Automat strictly formally proved the possibility of making money from SB here.

They would have given a Nobel Prize for that right away. Because modern science reasonably believes it is impossible. And they gave a Nobel Prize for it (or rather for the derivation of a formula which is based on that assertion).


Please stop revealing grails).

why the plural?

it's the most profitable, coolest and most correct approach of all

the development took place in front of everyone's eyes

"Councillor to the world"


"From Theory to Practice"

and one of Yusuf's branches, can't remember the name.