The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 303

Artyom Trishkin:
Happy successful teleportation back to you...

Was it successful?... There's still a residue...

I am wondering, if I here, in this thread"Market - a controlled dynamic system", analyze the market as a controlled dynamic system as an element of a trading system, using my real account, or my daughter's real account, or any other real account as an example, would not the custodians of order see it as advertising?

I ask this question because I know how universal the label "advertising" is.

Олег avtomat:

I am wondering, if I here, in this thread"Market - a controlled dynamic system", analyze the market as a controlled dynamic system as an element of a trading system, using my real account, or my daughter's real account, or any other real account as an example, would not the custodians of order see it as advertising?

I ask this question, because I know how universal the label 'advertising' is.

It's not worth it. It's already happened once.

Make a demo account. And discuss trading your TS on it - on a demo account. Make charts, analyze, make forecasts, all this will be interesting, and will not be an advertisement for a product or signal.

You may be asked for an Expert Advisor or an indicator on your TS, but you may not sell it, or you may order it through the freelance service.

In general, tell about the system, make calculations, discuss any nuances, suggestions for improvement, etc. with those interested, but do not advertise signals and products.

Олег avtomat:

I am wondering, if I here, in this thread"Market - a controlled dynamic system", analyze the market as a controlled dynamic system as an element of a trading system, using my real account, or my daughter's real account, or any other real account as an example, would not the custodians of order see it as advertising?

I am asking this question, because I know how universal the label "advertisement" is.

The moderator's answer is not complete - the recommendations only apply to the forum, not the whole site.

The site has a cleverly designed set of options for advertising your own commercial product, as I understand it.

You can write "What's new?" on your profile. It also has a blogging option. All people who friend you will automatically receive messages. You can also set something up in the marketplace. And you can put a commercial and non-commercial version of the product - everything goes into the information flow. Commercial posts on the marketplace, profile and blog, supported by a NOT commercial thread on the forum with posts that comply with the above restrictions - all together a great tool to promote your commercial product.

That's me summarising my profile - a stream of commercial offers from "friends".

So, take a look at the possibilities of the whole site, plan ahead....

Good luck.

Thank you for the information. I will take it all under advisement.
Олег avtomat:

Oleg, hi!

Yeah, there is that, but it's not spiral, it's chaotic.

I did a calculation on the radius of the triangle. It varies and it's a pity it's not the way you pictured it.

Exactly the same way the corners of the triangle change chaotically....

But the market is a controlled system, I agree with you 100 percent.


Let's move on...

//either I don't quite understand what you mean...
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It is about cyclical development at all levels of the hierarchy, both internal and external.

The spiral picture only shows the different projections of a single process.

But the third picture shows (albeit very simplified, but clearly) how the internal elements, which have their own dynamics, are involved in a larger external movement. This external movement, in turn, is involved in an even larger movement. And so on, both up and down the hierarchical ladder.

And such nesting is traceable on the whole scale axis, from the microcosm to the megaworld.

That's what I'm talking about.

And triangles are a little bit different. They have their own area of application.

Олег avtomat:

It is about cyclical development at all levels of the hierarchy, both internal and external.

It's easier to see.

The unfolding in time at different levels of the hierarchy. Each level has a different time scale.


this is from the cycle of the mad professor: in the basement with cockroaches he invents "perpetual motion machine"....

try this idea: trading with a multifractal circular spiral parallelepiped... i think the idea is even better than the tractor, it sounds solid, not like your dynamic systems)


And here comes the provocateur. But I don't want to make a mess here, and I certainly don't want to stoop to the level this character provokes.

So I ask the moderators to remove the provocateur.