[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 480


Hamster Train to SELL is full ! ) There are still tickets for the margin call station - any willing participants ?

No resistance from above essentially -


Hamster Train to SELL is full ! ) There are more tickets for the margin call station - anyone interested ?

You wanted to salt the rainbow )))

You wanted to salt the rainbow )))

The price is near the level - at the next level it is possible to sell and at this level 3 times there was a rebound of 50 points

The most I fear now is the trend without a pullback - at 500 pips - although maybe the trend hamsters will earn themselves a plane )




The price is near the level - at the next level it is possible to sell and at this level 3 times there was a rebound of 50 points

My biggest fear right now is a trend without reversals - at 500 points - although maybe the trend hamsters will earn money for the plane)

Mihon, you know what you're wrong about:

It's not the 60% hamsters that are being dumped, it's the 40% that didn't get their bearings in time and got behind the line...

Wolves first scurry a flock of sheep in different directions and then attack those who have fought off, just like that...


I trade both up and down = I have many methods - Do you think I will trade my whole life using only one method?

Ode to Michonne.

Who, knows all the strategies and methods ,

Who, steadily, handsomely, disperses the depot in a fortnight at 10%,

Who, as a child, kicked hamsters out of their burrows with smoke,

Who's ordering the airplane-shaped toilet bowl that Michonne dreams of?

rainbow-coloured toilet paper ...

It's him, it's him, it's definitely not Michonne...



Mihon, you know what you're wrong about:

It's not those 60% of hamsters who get drained, it's the 40% who don't get their bearings in time and fall behind the line...

Wolves first scurry a flock of sheep in different directions and then attack those who fought back, just like that...

I bet you can look at the statistics of kitchens, 99% of defaulters are mere mortals? For them it is a casino - as for a clown, the circus is his place of work - to put on a good show for the audience, we are paid to entertain someone.

You push your fear, your greed, and the whole world will be at your feet.

You must be a millionaire and bought an aeroplane to talk like that.


I bet you can look at the statistics of the kitchens, 99% of the people who lost their accounts are mere mortals? For them it is a casino - like for a clown it is his place of work - to show the audience a good show, we are paid to entertain someone with courses -

You push your fear, your greed, and the whole world will be at your feet.

You must be a millionaire who bought an aeroplane to talk like that.

A rocket is better)))

A rocket is better ))))
he doesn't even need to smoke....

I bet you can look at the statistics of the kitchens, 99% of the people who lost their accounts are mere mortals? For them it is a casino - like for a clown it is his place of work - to show the audience a good show, we are paid to entertain someone with courses -

You push your fear, your greed, and the whole world will be at your feet.

You must be a millionaire who bought an aeroplane to talk like that.

I know that 99% of leaks are either blatant illiteracy, or fatigue, or greed, or "forgotten" positions, and also trading on the sly -- it's our mentality...