[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 274


Technical levels for EUR/USD

Resistance 4: $1.4496 June 14 high
Resistance 3: $1.4407 55-day moving average
Resistance 2: $1.4342 21-day moving average
Resistance 1: $1.4303 5-day moving average

Current level: $1.4111

Support 1: $1.3971 May 23 low
Support 2: $1.3950 Bollinger Band
Support 3: $1.3907 50% pullback from 2011 rally
Support 4: $1.3818 200-day moving average

Commentary: euro/dollar fell sharply below 2011 support line and 5 and 21-day moving average, which form bearish crossover and nearest support at $1.4303/42. The pair's move continued under the 100-day moving average at $1.4153, with bears targeting the low of $1.3971.


It has become a bargaining chip for the euro ))))

I understand that both for dollars and euros. The notes could be anything, but the raw materials are falling. Russia is sitting tightly on oil and gas exports...

Digressions from the subject:

Russia urgently needs another major mess in the Middle East to boost the ruble. And given Putin's decisiveness and pre-premiership, the mess will be orchestrated.

Has anyone ever wondered why Lenin, who lived for 53 years, was called Grandpa Lenin and Putin, at his 58, is called a young energetic politician? )))))))))


1095 daily moving average, i.e. 3 years )))


Has anyone ever wondered why Lenin, who lived for 53 years, was called Grandpa Lenin and Putin, at 58, is called a young energetic politician? )))))))))

They say Lenin had syphilis )))

My understanding is that both for dollars and euros. The notes could be anything and the raw materials are going down. Russia is sitting tightly on oil and gas exports....

Digressions from the theme:

Russia urgently needs another major mess in the Middle East to boost the ruble. And given Putin's decisiveness and pre-recession job, the mess will be orchestrated.

Has anyone ever wondered why Lenin, who lived for 53 years, was called Grandpa Lenin and Putin, at his 58, is called a young energetic politician? )))))))))

Isn't Greece the same? )))

Techanalysis rules. I think we have been led to believe in indicators ))))


Techanalysis rules. I think we have been led to believe in indicators ))))

Hamsters are being groomed for the flush ))))

Isn't Greece the same??? )))

I don't think so. Greece is a different online game and it looks like the player is losing.

And in order to raise the price of a commodity, you have to organise a shortage or a rush in demand. And these are oil-producing countries, pirates, mass movements of fuel-inefficient equipment to the ends of the earth. Libya comes to mind, before the conflict in Libya there was a wave of popular unrest in almost all oil-producing countries... like the "sparks" were scattered everywhere, but it was Libya that ignited...


* France: May Bank of France retail survey -2.5 m/m, -2.3% y/y vs. -0.4% m/m, +2.5% y/y for the previous period

* Spain: Q1, labour costs +0.8% y/y vs -0.3% y/y in Q4

* ECB, Wellink: European Stabilisation Fund to be doubled to EUR 1.5 trillion on condition that private investors contribute to bailout for Greece

* France: May Bank of France retail trade survey -2.5 m/m, -2.3% y/y vs -0.4% m/m, +2.5% y/y for the prior period

Here we go ))))