[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 210

Margaret, are you still holding the bai?

Share your opinion)
only up today can pee, it's late to get up today
I'm done for the day, it's dangerous)
Passed the S2 pivot at 1.4369...

And now Uncle Kolya has come to see me again. He's been visiting me a lot, like a relative. We're drinking beer. What a face he's got... I just want to hit him with something. He won't get hurt, he's eternal. I have to build a new depot.

Profits to all and good mood!

only up today to pee, up late today

only up can write today, it's too late to go down today

Everyone's stuck in the canal...

Do you know how to pipsqueak? pipsqueak is an art, look at the euro after 1.4330 ;)


The tide is turning... Eurobucks is gep... Even though they say all the gaps are filling up... but this one is a bit too confident - who-kinda on my chart has over 200 real pts on A.....

The tide is turning... Eurobucks is a gap... Even though they say all the gaps are filling up... but this one is a bit too confident - who-how on my chart has over 200 real pps on A.....

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