[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 126


I agree with you about the **** Masonic conspiracy. But the spot market is good because it allows you to speculate on expectations. Can you say of yourself "I am a speculator and I live by it"? Not yet. No, I mean "I live and earn by it". I haven't been working for an uncle for a long time, the costs are high, but I still need to buy another monitor. If not here, then nowhere.)

My idea is this: on Friday the big animators go out of the market and there are plenty of bids from other players left in the bid glass (sharks, as a rule, do not play against sharks). Their natural desire is to gobble up the orders that are left in the order stack and they start a game and I try to figure it out. Trading tools can explain any sequence of price movements from history, but they are so ambivalent that it is unrealistic to make predictions without FA on TA, and conspiracy is the premise for the fundamentals, unless you count natural disasters and then if you ignore the media factor, which either scapegoats the situation or, conversely, lets it all go down the drain...

My idea is this: on Friday, the big animators come out of the market and there are a lot of players' orders left in the order stack (sharks don't play against sharks). Their natural inclination is to gobble up the orders that are left in the order book and they make a play and I try to figure it out. Trading tools allow you to explain any sequence of price movements from history, but they are so ambivalent that it is unrealistic to make a forecast without FA on TA, and the conspiracy is a premise for the fundamentals, unless you count natural disasters and then if you ignore the mass media factor, which either scare the situation, or conversely let everything go to hell...

If I understood you correctly - you start with weekly cycles. This is also my theme when trading hands. Down on Monday, due to the lack of large trading venues did not work. It was an ordinary downward correction. But Tuesday gave a new high. Imho, really starting to enter the range. Is it time to short now?

I'm already in trouble on the eve))))

And why do you have such big profits and the final profit is less than it should be.

Yes, and if everything had gone not, so the scenario, but on the contrary this account would have already burned - a lot of bets, and stop-losses on a reversal will not save, because they are not translated, at least in breakeven.

Don't think I'm being facetious, I'm just curious.


The Atlantic Ocean began its hurricane season today, which runs from 1 June to 30 November each year. Experts at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expect 12 to 18 tropical storms to originate in the Atlantic this year, 6 to 10 of which could become hurricanes.

BMO Capital analysts have advised investors on how best to trade with the news of a hurricane onset.

BMO believes that the most profitable trading strategy in this case is to buy currencies of oil-exporting countries against the US dollar. Oil prices will jump as soon as the storm hits areas like the Gulf of Mexico. Experts remind that the US dollar lost 3% against its Canadian rival after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Strategists at J.P.Morgan Asset Management share a similar view. According to them, it is wise to start building positions in currencies such as the Canadian dollar, the Russian ruble and the Norwegian krone now to be in a state of readiness when the storm breaks out. Economists point out that at this time of year oil prices can start to move up even without a specific storm warning.


And why do you have such big profits and the final profit is less than it should be.

Yes, and if everything had gone wrong, so scenario, but vice versa this account would have already burned - a lot of bets, and stop-losses on a reversal will not save, because they are not converted, at least to breakeven.

Don't think I'm being a jerk, I'm just curious.

My profit is in pips and not in all pips 1 pip = 1 quid at 0.1 lot

19 orders at 0.1 is the total volume, balance 32k, 500 pips per order and you have 19 * 500 = 9500 quid roughly /32000 * 100% almost 30% drawdown. Of course it is a lot, but it is not fatal.

Put up call option levels don't want to let EURUSD go down
Call volume at 1450 today increased from 5000 to 9000
How will China's 4-6 June rate hike affect other currencies?

What was that about the pound-bucks?


What was that about the pound-bucks?

12:40, 01.06.2011
The pound continued to lose points, breaking the New York low of $1.6423 and weakening to $1.6417, helped in no small part by British report data that fell short of forecasts. Bids are at $1.6405/00 and $1.6380.

I have two real accounts with long positions and on one of them I also work in the short term...

if it's no secret, what are your goals for long positions?